Homesteady's Regrets, Money Earned, and Lessons Learned from a Decade of Doing YoutubeSquash Hollow Farm
SHORT: Pastured pigs on your homestead or farm, fencing, feeding, grassfed, pork, pasture to plate, piglets, hogs, from piglet to marketSquash Hollow Farm
SHORT: Farming chickens, pigs, and hunting... How homesteaders can stop buying meat from the supermarketSquash Hollow Farm
Egg Laying Chickens, farm fresh eggs, the economics of an egg, hens, roosters, and raising chicks on a homesteadSquash Hollow Farm
Campfire: Fishing in Rhode Island's Salt Ponds... and Telling an outdoors story: fishing, striped bass, skunked,Squash Hollow Farm
SHORT: Hunting the Rut, the whitetail deers breeding season, a time when the woods are filled with BIG BUCKS!Squash Hollow Farm
SHORT: Make Money Farming- 3 ways homesteaders can save and earn money from a small farmSquash Hollow Farm
Campfire: Pioneers - Homesteaders who decide to jump into adventure, for a life of self sufficiency!Squash Hollow Farm
A year of Homesteady - Fishing, Gardening, Chickens, fishing, hunting, all things sustainability!Squash Hollow Farm
Father Knows Best... Sometimes - A Homesteady Campfire story of a father and son on a hunt togetherSquash Hollow Farm
To Sheep or Not To Sheep - An in depth look at farming with grass fed sheep, lamb, raising meat on pasture, and if it is a good idea for someone who is small scale farming or homesteadingSquash Hollow Farm
SHORT: Pigs 101 - How to select good a good breed for your farm, who to buy pigs from, what to feed them, how to move them, and MORE homesteading goodness!Squash Hollow Farm
The Chickens and the Egg... Can you Make Money Selling Farm Fresh Eggs? Chickens, Eggs, and Homestead BusinessSquash Hollow Farm
Ducks - ducklings, brooding, the mess and the eggs - and answering the big question.. Have you been Abduckted?Squash Hollow Farm
How Livestock and Rotational Grazing (with the help of moveable fencing) Can Save the Planet...Squash Hollow Farm
Practical Preparedness - Being ready for survival through the everyday emergencies that we are most likely to face.Squash Hollow Farm