Make sure you allocate funds to your marketing budget first. Don't skimp on the quality of your handouts. I'd create a nice 4-pager that folds over, in color, and have a bio about yourself, a summary of your trading style, and how what you do fits in with other managers. Unless you have 12 months of return data, I'd keep the performance in the Disclosure Document. Else, you'll be needing to update the color handout and color printing can get expensive quickly. You can write up the summary, get the headshot, and then have someone at design and put together the 4-pager for you for a few hundred dollars. Get a high quality head shot with a professional photographer. Do not, under any circumstances, use a cropped photo from a wedding or formal in which you were wearing a tuxedo. You can get a pro photographer to take a few dozen shots of your for a few hundred dollars. This is money well-spent. You don't need to have all the social media channels on your firm's website. If you goal is to make professional connections, I'd use LinkedIn and leave it at that. That's the platform where people expect to get solicited and make business connections. If you have Facebook, Twitter, Stocktwits, Snapchat, Instagram, and Google+, you'll need fresh content for all of those channels at least weekly. It looks bad if you sign up for Instagram, post one thing, and then abandon the channel. I would be very judicious in posting personal things. That includes pictures of you and your frat brothers, political opinions, or thoughts about President Trump or Secretary Clinton, for example. Unless you don't care about polarizing your audience, do what you think is best, but I'd avoid such themes in my sharing. You might offend a potential client and in the beginning, you can't afford to turn people off when you're trying to turn them onto what you can do for them. Add this all up and you have the start of a professional appearance. You'll find though, that you still have to do outbound marketing in order to raise money. Setting up a website and a few social media channels is a good way to engage people, but you still have to ask for the money.
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