EPISODE 1: BITCOIN BASICS & QUANTUM HACKING W/ STEVIE EWALDI am joined by my good friend, legendary beach dad, surfing psychonaut, and crypto currency expert, Stevie Ewald as we dive into the future of alt-coins and other wild speculation.2|1T 15M
EPISODE 2: BIG BEN CARSON STANNING W/ Thomas Edgar EdwardsI sit down with an old troll of mine from across the pond and discuss the finer points of faith, Anglo-American politics, and other madness.3|1T 11M
EPISODE 3: LOVECRAFT ARRIVES FROM THE FUTURE W/DORIAN BELL AKA @DANKDELEUZEMaybe Deleuze can't be explained, but instead Deleuze explains everything? I sit down with Dorian Bell who will hopefully help me make sense of Lovecraft, Bataille, Nick Land, Neo-China, time-traveling AI, sex-aliens, and the coming cybernetic milky mommy machine...4|51M
EPISODE 4: THE COWBOYIST PARTY W/LOGAN MCGRATHI sit down with Logan McGrath, founder of The Cowboyist Party, to discuss his hopes and dreams for a Cowboy future.5|1T 21M
EPISODE 5: CANCEL-PILLED W/YASI am joined by Yas as we both suck it up and swallow the Cancel-Pill...6|1T 45M
EPISODE 6: WTF IS NAZBOL? W/BRYAN GIGANTINOI am joined by my old friend and Post-Soviet expert, Bryan Gigantino, as we try to understand once and for all: what the fuck is Nazbolism?7|1T 46M
EPISODE 7: LARPING THE SIMULATION W/FAKEBAUDRILLARDThe one and only Fakebaudrillard stops by to help me hack the matrix.8|1T 23M
EPISODE 8: NOSTRADUMBASSING THE ELECTION W/AJAJ aka @politicaldata aka the pollster formerly known as @factwingism stops by to rain some facts and data on my Trumpian apocalypse parade.9|1T 8M
EPISODE 9: THE FINAL Q-DOWN W/FLOATUNIVERSEI am joined this week by @floatuniverse who helps me understand the esoteric aspects of the Q/Anon movement.10|1T 42M