"Navneet Rana, however, On Monday, wrote a letter to Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla alleging torture following her arrest. She alleged that she was abused because of her caste. In the letter, Rana alleged that she made repeated demands for drinking water throughout the night. However, no drinking water was provided. She says To her shock and disbelief, the police staff present told her that she belongs to Schedule Caste and hence they will not give her water in the same glass."" She said that the treatment meted out to her in the lock-up of the Khar Police Station was worse than what animals are treated,"" she said. She also demanded the strictest action to be taken against the Commissioner, Mumbai Police, concerned Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), concerned Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) and the police staff. However, Mumbai Police commissioner Sanjay Pandey today released a video on his Twitter Showing the Rana couple in the custody. In the video, Ranas can be seen having tea in the Khar Police Station. He posted the video with a caption that read, ""Do we say anything more?"" The video has raised questions on Navneet Ranas allegation of ill treatment by police. Meanwhile, Shivsena has been saying that the ranas are prompted by the BJP and are trying to defame Mumbai police. The Ranas are likely to challenge the Bombay HC decision in SC soon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
"Navneet Rana, however, On Monday, wrote a letter to Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla alleging torture following her arrest. She alleged that she was abused because of her caste. In the letter, Rana alleged that she made repeated demands for drinking water throughout the night. However, no drinking water was provided. She says To her shock and disbelief, the police staff present told her that she belongs to Schedule Caste and hence they will not give her water in the same glass."" She said that the treatment meted out to her in the lock-up of the Khar Police Station was worse than what animals are treated,"" she said. She also demanded the strictest action to be taken against the Commissioner, Mumbai Police, concerned Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), concerned Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) and the police staff. However, Mumbai Police commissioner Sanjay Pandey today released a video on his Twitter Showing the Rana couple in the custody. In the video, Ranas can be seen having tea in the Khar Police Station. He posted the video with a caption that read, ""Do we say anything more?"" The video has raised questions on Navneet Ranas allegation of ill treatment by police. Meanwhile, Shivsena has been saying that the ranas are prompted by the BJP and are trying to defame Mumbai police. The Ranas are likely to challenge the Bombay HC decision in SC soon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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