"After a series of clashes during Ram Navami, the national capital witnessed communal violence during Hanuman Jayanti on Saturday, leaving several injured, including some policemen. The communal violence took place in Jahangirpuri area in north west Delhi during a Hanuman Jayanti Shobha yatra. However, there are two versions of this clash that are coming to fore. Those present in the Yatra allege that while they were passing from near a minority dominated area, stones were pelted on them from terrace of some of the residential apartments, that mobs attacked them with swords in hand. The other side claims that those involved in the shobha yatra tried to forcibly enter the local mosque and hoist a saffron flag there after which the clashes began. In the violence that followed, vehicles were torched, shots were fired and several people from both sides were injured. However, according to the police, both the sides got into an altercation over sloganeering. What started as a verbal spat soon turned into a physical attack on each other. During the initial altercation, around 25 police personnel who were present there formed a human chain and separated the two groups. However, the verbal spat intensified and they started attacking each other. Shots were fired and the sub-inspector who was at the tail-end of the rally got injured. After which Extra reserve force was called to the spot, and tear gas shells were fired. Of nine people that were injured in the violence, eight are police personnel while one is a civilian. Arti Ghargi explains sequence of event that led to the violence. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
"After a series of clashes during Ram Navami, the national capital witnessed communal violence during Hanuman Jayanti on Saturday, leaving several injured, including some policemen. The communal violence took place in Jahangirpuri area in north west Delhi during a Hanuman Jayanti Shobha yatra. However, there are two versions of this clash that are coming to fore. Those present in the Yatra allege that while they were passing from near a minority dominated area, stones were pelted on them from terrace of some of the residential apartments, that mobs attacked them with swords in hand. The other side claims that those involved in the shobha yatra tried to forcibly enter the local mosque and hoist a saffron flag there after which the clashes began. In the violence that followed, vehicles were torched, shots were fired and several people from both sides were injured. However, according to the police, both the sides got into an altercation over sloganeering. What started as a verbal spat soon turned into a physical attack on each other. During the initial altercation, around 25 police personnel who were present there formed a human chain and separated the two groups. However, the verbal spat intensified and they started attacking each other. Shots were fired and the sub-inspector who was at the tail-end of the rally got injured. After which Extra reserve force was called to the spot, and tear gas shells were fired. Of nine people that were injured in the violence, eight are police personnel while one is a civilian. Arti Ghargi explains sequence of event that led to the violence. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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