"Almost 8 months after Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan was arrested and jailed in a drug raid by NCB on the Cordelia cruise off Mumbai coast, the NCB itself gave him a clean chit. In a 6000 page chargesheet filed, the agency said it has not included name of Aryan Khan whose high profile arrest by Sameer Wankhede became a spectacle for the whole country, because of lack of evidence. While we have revisited how Aryan Khan was vilified and faced a media trial in yesterday's video, today we are going to talk about some of the details from the NCB chargesheet. After the allegations of irregularities in the raid and extortion racket, the case was transferred from the Mumbai Zonal Unit of NCB to a Special Investigation Team (SIT). Sameer Wankhede the Singham officer who was leading the raid and heading investigation was removed from the case. NCB SIT said that they found no evidence that Aryan Khan was part of a larger drugs conspiracy or an international trafficking syndicate, and that there were several irregularities in the raid during which he was arrested. The SIT, headed by Sanjay Kumar Singh, re-looked at the case and concluded there is not enough evidence to pursue it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
"Almost 8 months after Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan was arrested and jailed in a drug raid by NCB on the Cordelia cruise off Mumbai coast, the NCB itself gave him a clean chit. In a 6000 page chargesheet filed, the agency said it has not included name of Aryan Khan whose high profile arrest by Sameer Wankhede became a spectacle for the whole country, because of lack of evidence. While we have revisited how Aryan Khan was vilified and faced a media trial in yesterday's video, today we are going to talk about some of the details from the NCB chargesheet. After the allegations of irregularities in the raid and extortion racket, the case was transferred from the Mumbai Zonal Unit of NCB to a Special Investigation Team (SIT). Sameer Wankhede the Singham officer who was leading the raid and heading investigation was removed from the case. NCB SIT said that they found no evidence that Aryan Khan was part of a larger drugs conspiracy or an international trafficking syndicate, and that there were several irregularities in the raid during which he was arrested. The SIT, headed by Sanjay Kumar Singh, re-looked at the case and concluded there is not enough evidence to pursue it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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