The Enforcement Directorate dropped a case against 2 Dalit farmers of Tamil Nadu after the summons issued to them mentioned their caste which sparked a controversy. In an alleged case of money laundering, the investigations revealed only ₹ 450 in their bank account. In July 2023, when Kannaiyan, 72, and Krishnan, 66, Dalit farmers residing in Attur, Tamil Nadu's Salem district, received a summons from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) regarding an alleged money laundering case, their attorney, Dalit G Pravina, revealed that the brothers had a meager Rs 450 in their bank account. The peculiarity of the ED summons stemmed not only from the brothers' limited land ownership of 6.5 acres but also from their ongoing land dispute with G Gunashekar, a prominent leader in the BJP's Salem East wing. According to Narayanan Thirupathy, the BJP state spokesperson, both Gunashekar and the brothers had filed complaints against each other, accusing one another of land grab. Gunashekar was not available for comments. A senior ED officer, requesting anonymity said “The matter has been blown out of proportion as the summons are almost six months old,” “We had registered a Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) case in March 2022 against Kannaiyan and Krishnan based on a letter forwarded by Tamil Nadu forest department on July 12, 2021. The forest department’s case was related to the killing of two wild buffaloes under section 51 and 9 of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, which are scheduled offences. We have been taking up several wildlife cases lately in line with court orders and Financial Action Task Force’s mandate to track wildlife cases,” said the officer. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is reportedly set to close a money laundering case against two Dalit farmers from Tamil Nadu, according to sources familiar with the matter. HW News’ Managing Editor Mr. Sujit Nair discusses how central agencies like the ED and CBI are being used as mere election tools. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Enforcement Directorate dropped a case against 2 Dalit farmers of Tamil Nadu after the summons issued to them mentioned their caste which sparked a controversy. In an alleged case of money laundering, the investigations revealed only ₹ 450 in their bank account. In July 2023, when Kannaiyan, 72, and Krishnan, 66, Dalit farmers residing in Attur, Tamil Nadu's Salem district, received a summons from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) regarding an alleged money laundering case, their attorney, Dalit G Pravina, revealed that the brothers had a meager Rs 450 in their bank account. The peculiarity of the ED summons stemmed not only from the brothers' limited land ownership of 6.5 acres but also from their ongoing land dispute with G Gunashekar, a prominent leader in the BJP's Salem East wing. According to Narayanan Thirupathy, the BJP state spokesperson, both Gunashekar and the brothers had filed complaints against each other, accusing one another of land grab. Gunashekar was not available for comments. A senior ED officer, requesting anonymity said “The matter has been blown out of proportion as the summons are almost six months old,” “We had registered a Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) case in March 2022 against Kannaiyan and Krishnan based on a letter forwarded by Tamil Nadu forest department on July 12, 2021. The forest department’s case was related to the killing of two wild buffaloes under section 51 and 9 of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, which are scheduled offences. We have been taking up several wildlife cases lately in line with court orders and Financial Action Task Force’s mandate to track wildlife cases,” said the officer. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is reportedly set to close a money laundering case against two Dalit farmers from Tamil Nadu, according to sources familiar with the matter. HW News’ Managing Editor Mr. Sujit Nair discusses how central agencies like the ED and CBI are being used as mere election tools. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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