The story of Varisu revolves around estranged Vijay (Vijay) who is the youngest of his two brothers, Jay (Srikanth) and Ajay (Shaam), and his family, helmed by his father Rajendran (Sarathkumar). Vijay fights to create his own identity by breaking free from his father, a business tycoon who treats his family members like mere money-minting machines.
Before the release of Varisu, producer Dil Raju had said that the Vijay-starrer will be a complete package of all the elements that make up a perfect family entertainer. Was he right? To find out, tune into this review by Soundarya Athimuthu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The story of Varisu revolves around estranged Vijay (Vijay) who is the youngest of his two brothers, Jay (Srikanth) and Ajay (Shaam), and his family, helmed by his father Rajendran (Sarathkumar). Vijay fights to create his own identity by breaking free from his father, a business tycoon who treats his family members like mere money-minting machines.
Before the release of Varisu, producer Dil Raju had said that the Vijay-starrer will be a complete package of all the elements that make up a perfect family entertainer. Was he right? To find out, tune into this review by Soundarya Athimuthu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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