Used Up PornoYet another epic episode is waiting in the wings for you as we slap you with almost 7 hours of Countdown goodness! We go back to basics and Josh tells some tales of triumph in Fresh, Hunk tells a joke or two, and we have a really lengthy discussion about something that you think we couldn't possibly talk for that long about. See the details in the timestamps below!
Wailing Caverns Tale of Triumph - 9:20
Crossroads Twink Dueling Guy - 49:20
Gold Buying Indicia - 1:04:10
The Corpse Camping Code - 1:18:55
Messing With Your Own Faction - 1:32:20
Josh & Hunk's Used Up Porno - 1:44:15
Warrior PvP Matchups - 2:04:35
No Honor, No Problems? - 2:26:45
AQ SoD Opening Issues - 2:36:55
Do Rogues Deserve Locked Chests? - 3:06:40
Perds & Core Hound Tooth Week 1 Guy - 4:47:35
The Games Awards - 5:46:20
More Spawn Timing Pain - 6:26:30
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6T 47M