Hostage at the Table: How Leaders Can Overcome Conflict, Influence Others and Raise Performance (2nd Edition)George Kohlrieser
Sons of Kolchak: A company commander during the Vietnam Tet Offensive of 1968 tells the story of his men's raw courage and valorMichael E. Wikan, LTC US Army (Ret.)4.8
The Entrepreneur’s Paradox: How to Overcome the 16 Pitfalls Along the Startup JourneyCurtis Morley4.5
The Rifle: Combat Stories from America's Last WWII Veterans, Told Through an M1 GarandAndrew Biggio4.1
The Fall of Fortresses: The Classic Account of One of the Most Daring and Deadly Air Battles of WWIIElmer Bendiner2.5
Deliberate Evil: Nathanial Hawthorne, Daniel Webster, and the 1830 Murder of a Salem Slave TraderEdward J. Renehan, Jr.
The Bondage Breaker: Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Feelings, Habitual SinsNeil T. Anderson5