Auschwitz and The Allies: A Devastating Account of How the Allies Responded to the News of Hitler's Mass MurderMartin Gilbert4.4
The Sins of Jack Saul, Second Edition: The True Story of Dublin Jack and The Cleveland Street ScandalGlenn Chandler
A Deadly Dividend: A Gripping Murder Mystery set in Dublin: The Dublin Homicides Book 1David Pearson3.6
Undisruptable: A Mindset of Permanent Reinvention for Individuals, Organisations and LifeAidan McCullen
A Fatal Liaison: Irish detectives investigate a cold-blooded murder: The Dublin Homicides Book 2David Pearson3.7
The China Chapter: Dublin detectives link a local murder to international crime: The Dublin Homicides Book 3David Pearson3.7
The Irish Assassins: Conspiracy, Revenge and the Phoenix Park Murders that Stunned Victorian EnglandJulie Kavanagh4
The Brain-Based Classroom: Accessing Every Child's Potential Through Educational NeuroscienceKieran O'Mahony