The Bronze Age in Europe: The History and Legacy of Civilizations Across Europe from 3200-600 BCECharles River Editors3.4
Antoni Gaudi and Frank Lloyd Wright: The Lives and Works of the Most Influential Modern ArchitectsCharles River Editors4
Charles Babbage and Alan Turing: The Lives and Careers of the English Mathematicians Who Revolutionized Modern Computer ScienceCharles River Editors4
Submarines and the World Wars: The History of Submarine Warfare in World War I and World War IICharles River Editors5
Greco-Roman Technology: The History of Inventions and Improvements Made by the Ancient Greeks and RomansCharles River Editors
Ancient Greek Technology: The History and Legacy of the Technological Advances Made in Greece during AntiquityCharles River Editors
The Sentinelese: The History of the Uncontacted People on North Sentinel IslandCharles River Editors3.6
The Knights Hospitaller: The History and Legacy of the Medieval Catholic Military OrderCharles River Editors3.3
The Inquisition in the New World: The History and Legacy of the Inquisition after Spain and Portugal Colonized the AmericasCharles River Editors4
Mansa Musa and Timbuktu: The History of the West African Emperor and Medieval Africa’s Most Fabled CityCharles River Editors4.1
Operation Condor: The History of the Notorious Intelligence Operations Supported by the United States to Combat Communists across South AmericaCharles River Editors3
Hathor: The History of the Ancient Egyptian Sky Goddess and Symbolic Mother of the PharaohsCharles River Editors4.5
U-Boats in the Atlantic: The History of Germany’s Submarines during World War I and World War IICharles River Editors3