Biographia Literaria (Unabridged): Important autobiographical work and influential piece of literary introspection by an English poet and philosopher, author of The Rime of The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Lyrical Ballads

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Biographia Literaria (Unabridged): Important autobiographical work and influential piece of literary introspection by an English poet and philosopher, author of The Rime of The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Lyrical Ballads



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Cover for Biographia Literaria (Unabridged): Important autobiographical work and influential piece of literary introspection by an English poet and philosopher, author of The Rime of The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Lyrical Ballads
Cover for Biographia Literaria (Unabridged): Important autobiographical work and influential piece of literary introspection by an English poet and philosopher, author of The Rime of The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Lyrical Ballads

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