My Antonia: “The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one’s own.”Willa Cather5
O Pioneers: “The fact that I was a girl never damaged my ambitions to be a pope or an emperor. ”Willa Cather
One Of Ours: "The dead might as well try to speak to the living as the old to the young."Willa Cather
The Essential Feminist Collection – 60 Powerful Classics in One Volume: Including 100+ Biographies & Memoirs of the Most Influential Women in HistoryH. G. Wells2.5
50 Klassiker des Feminismus - Bücher, die man kennen muss: Das Erwachen, Lelia, Jane Eyre, Neue Amazonia, Die gelbe Tapete, Mrs Dalloway, Kleine Frauen, Verteidigung der Rechte der Frau, Meine brillante KarriereGeorge Eliot
100 Weibliche Meisterwerke - Klassiker, die man kennen muss: Jane Eyre, Die Vagabundin, Frankenstein, Indiana, Kleine Frauen, Stolz und Vorurteil, Middlemarch, Mrs Dalloway, Das innere Schloss, Der Weg der WeltGeorge Eliot
Die größten Heldinnen der Literatur (50 Romane in einem Band): Jane Eyre, Tess von den d'Urbervilles, Anne auf Green Gables, Johanna D'Arc, Klein-Dorrit, Lelia, Maria Stuart, Effi Briest, Kleine FrauenEmile Zola
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The Ultimate Christmas Collection: 50+ Stories from Dickens, Clement Moore, Hans Christian Anderson, Washington Irving, Louisa May Alcott, Selma Lagerlof, Mark Twain, James Joyce, & Many MoreArthur Conan Doyle
The Big Book of Christmas Novels, Stories, Myths & Carols: 450+ Titles in One Edition: A Christmas Carol, Little Women, Silent Night, The Gift of the Magi…Hans Christian Andersen
The Santa's Library: 450+ Christmas Novels, Tales, Carols & Legends: A Christmas Carol, Silent Night, The Gift of the Magi, Christmas-Tree Land, The Three Kings…Hans Christian Andersen
The Greatest Feminist Classics in One Volume: Including 100+ Biographies & Memoirs of the Most Influential Women in HistoryH. G. Wells1