The Complete Works of Rafael Sabatini: Sea Adventure Classics, Novels, Short Stories, Plays and Historical BooksRafael Sabatini
The Collected Works of Rafael Sabatini: 100+ Novels, Short Stories and Historical WritingsRafael Sabatini
Kapitän Blut & Der Seefalke: Zwei Piratenromane (Ausgabe in neuer Übersetzung und Rechtschreibung)Rafael Sabatini
Scaramouche: Historischer Abenteuerroman - Die blutige Ära der Französischen RevolutionRafael Sabatini
Der Schwarze Schwan: Historischer Piratenroman (Ausgabe in neuer Übersetzung und Rechtschreibung)Rafael Sabatini
Das Leben von Cesare Borgia: Machtspiele und Intrigen in der italienischen Renaissance: Der charismatische Führer und seine politischen AmbitionenRafael Sabatini
Der Narr des Schicksals: Historischer Abenteuerroman - Die blutige Ära der Französischen RevolutionRafael Sabatini
The Greatest Works of Rafael Sabatini: 100+ Novels, Short Stories and Historical WritingsRafael Sabatini
The Complete Works: Sea Adventure Classics, Novels, Short Stories, Plays and Historical BooksRafael Sabatini
Turbulent Tales: Sword fights, political intrigues, and passionate romances: 17th century adventuresRafael Sabatini
The King's Minion: A Tale of Loyalty, Betrayal, and Royal Intrigue in 17th Century EnglandRafael Sabatini
The Carolinian: A Swashbuckling Tale of Buccaneers, Betrayal, and Romance in 17th-Century CarolinaRafael Sabatini
The Marquis of Carabas: A Swashbuckling Tale of Deception and Betrayal in 18th Century FranceRafael Sabatini
The Romantic Prince: A Swashbuckling Tale of Court Intrigue, Betrayal, and Passion in Renaissance ItalyRafael Sabatini
The Duel on the Beach: Honorable Deception: A Swashbuckling Tale of Betrayal and RevengeRafael Sabatini
The Chronicles of Captain Blood: An Epic Tale of High Seas Adventure and Swashbuckling PiratesRafael Sabatini
The Plague of Ghosts and Other Stories: Haunting Tales of the Past: A Supernatural CollectionRafael Sabatini
The Fortunes of Captain Blood: A Swashbuckling Tale of Pirate Adventures on the High SeasRafael Sabatini
The Gates of Doom: A Swashbuckling Tale of High-Seas Treachery and Redemption in the Pirate Haven of Port RoyalRafael Sabatini
The Camisade: Revolutionary Intrigue and Romantic Betrayal: A Tale of Courage and ChaosRafael Sabatini
The Lost King: Intrigue, Betrayal, and Redemption in 17th Century Europe: A Swashbuckling Tale of Fictional Royalty and AdventureRafael Sabatini