An End to the Upside Down Cosmos: Rethinking the Big Bang, Heliocentrism, the Lights in the Sky…and Where We LiveMark Gober1
An End to Upside Down Living: Reorienting Our Consciousness to Live Better and Save the Human SpeciesMark Gober4
An End to Upside Down Liberty: Turning Traditional Political Thinking on Its Head to Break Free from EnslavementMark Gober5
An End to Upside Down Contact: UFOs, Aliens, and Spirits—and Why Their Ongoing Interaction with Human Civilization MattersMark Gober3.7
An End to the Upside Down Reset: The Leftist Vision for Society Under the “Great Reset”—and How It Can Fool Caring People into Supporting Harmful CausesMark Gober3.7
An End to Upside Down Medicine: Contagion, Viruses, and Vaccines—and Why Consciousness Is Needed for a New Paradigm of HealthMark Gober5
An End to Upside Down Thinking: Dispelling the Myth That the Brain Produces Consciousness, and the Implications for Everyday LifeMark Gober3.7