Ep 300: Hackaday Podcast Episode 300: The Dwingeloo 25 m Dish, a Dead-Tech Twofer, and Deconstructing PCBsHackaday
Ep 231: Hacking NVMe into Raspberry Pi, Lighting LEDs with Microwaves, and How to Keep Your FingersHackaday
Ep010: XKCD Graphs, Turing Complete Meta Computers, False Finger Printing 3D Printers, and JargonHackaday
Ep011: Weird Keyboards, Salvaging LCD Screens, and Mike Interviews Ivan of Espressif in ShanghaiHackaday
EP015: Going Low Frequency, Robotic Machines, Disk Usage For Budgets, And Cellphones Versus WeatherHackaday
Ep016: 3D Printing with Steel, Molding with Expanded Foam, QUIP-Package Parts, and Aged SolderHackaday
Ep017: Are Cheap Microcontrollers Worth It? Android on Your Bike. Plus Food Printers and Coffee BotsHackaday
Ep019: Extreme Clock Accuracy, Mobius Gears and Planetary Stunts, Jamming All Fobs, Pi in Your WiiHackaday
Ep020: Slaying the Dragon of EL, Siege Weapon Physics, Dis-entangled Charlieplex, Laser InternetHackaday