70+ Anthology. African American literature. Novels and short stories. Poetry. Non-fiction. Essays: Passing, The Goophered Grapevine, The Weary Blues, Up from Slavery, The Souls of Black Folk and othersBooker T. Washington
The Alice Dunbar-Nelson Collection. Harlem Renaissance. Illustrated: Violets, Ten Minutes' Musing, A Carnival Jangle, The Woman, TiteeAlice Dunbar-Nelson
The Alice Dunbar-Nelson Collection. Harlem Renaissance: Violets, Ten Minutes' Musing, A Carnival Jangle, The Woman, TiteeAlice Dunbar-Nelson
Violets and Other Tales: Exploring Race, Gender, and Society Through Tales of the Late 19th and Early 20th CenturiesAlice Dunbar-Nelson
The Female Short Story. A Chronological History - Volume 9: Volume 9 - Alice Dunbar Nelson to Katherine RickfordVirginia Woolf
The Anthology. African American literature. Novels and short stories. Poetry. Non-fiction. Essays. IllustratedBooker T. Washington3