
  1. Obscuritas David Lagercrantz
  2. Blackout Tonny Gulløv
  3. Pojken i källaren: En sann historia om grymhet och tortyr Stephen Smith
  4. Hjärntvättad Stefan Malmström
  5. Levande bränd: En ung kvinnas berättelse om hur hon överlevde ett hedersmord Souad
  6. Död mans grepp Peter James
  7. Lida Stephen King
  8. Kvinnornas hus Lotta Lundh
  9. Utvisningen Jens Nielsen
  10. King of Sword and Sky C. L. Wilson
  11. Inte utan min syster: Om uppväxten i sekten Guds barn Celeste Jones
  12. Kärlekens straff: En sann historia om kvinnomisshandel Lou Lilja
  13. The Occassional Table Elizabeth Coldwell
  14. Heaven & Hell J. L. Beck
  15. Shadow Conflict Will Jordan
  16. The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
  17. If Nuns Ruled the World: Ten Sisters on a Mission Jo Piazza
  18. The Least of My Scars Stephen Graham Jones
  19. Mord på 90-talet Diverse bidragsydere
  20. A Death in California: A True Account of Love and Murder Among the Very Rich Joan Barthel
  21. The Gunpowder Plot: History in an Hour Sinead Fitzgibbon
  22. Uppkomlingarna : En personundersökning Per Gunnar Evander
  23. The Black Banners (Declassified): How Torture Derailed the War on Terror after 9/11 Ali H. Soufan
  24. Dagen der aldrig kommer Tom Peder Olsen
  25. Lord of Order Brett Riley
  26. Tortured Dreams: Dreams & Reality Series, Book 1 Hadena James
  27. The Illustrated Slave: Empathy, Graphic Narrative, and the Visual Culture of the Transatlantic Abolition Movement, 1800–1852 Martha J. Cutter
  28. The Hawker Series Volume One: Florida Firefight, L.A. Wars, and Chicago Assault Randy Wayne White
  29. Brightness Falls from the Air James Tiptree
  30. If Nuns Ruled the World: Ten Sisters on a Mission Jo Piazza
  31. Torquemada: A Novel Howard Fast
  32. The Sea-Wolf Jack London
  33. Three Sisters in Black: The Bizarre True Case of the Bathtub Tragedy Norman Zierold
  34. The Macdonald Romances: The French Bride and Clandara Evelyn Anthony
  35. Marathon Man: A Novel William Goldman
  36. Daughters of the Inquisition: Medieval Madness: Origins and Aftermath Christina Crawford
  37. Blood Sports: A Novel Eden Robinson
  38. Mannequin J. Robert Janes
  39. Termination Deborah Chester
  40. Heaven High, Ocean Deep: Naval Fighter Wing at War Tim Hillier-Graves
  41. The Garments of Court and Palace: Machiavelli and the World That He Made Philip Bobbitt
  42. Thomas H. Cook's True Crime: Blood Echoes and Early Graves Thomas H. Cook
  43. Early Graves: A True Story of Murder and Passion Thomas H. Cook
  44. The Staked Goat Jeremiah Healy
  45. Dead Man's Diary and A Taste for Cognac: Two Mike Shayne Mysteries Brett Halliday
  46. War by Other Means: An Insider's Account of the War on Terror John Yoo
  47. Purgatory's Angel B. Hughes-Millman
  48. Triggerfish: A Crime Novel Dieter Kalteis
  49. God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World Cullen Murphy
  50. Mad Madame LaLaurie: New Orleans' Most Famous Murderess Revealed Lorelei Shannon