The First Italian War: The History and Legacy of the Italian Wars’ Initial Conflict at the Height of the Renaissance Charles River Editors3.5
The Condottieri: The History of Italy’s Elite Mercenaries during the Middle Ages and Renaissance Charles River Editors3.8
Die chinesische Messaging-App WeChat als virtuelle Sprachinsel: Studien zur WeChat-Nutzung deutschsprachiger Expatriates in China Michael Szurawitzki
Kurze Formen in der Sprache / Formes brèves de la langue: Syntaktische, semantische und textuelle Aspekte / aspects syntaxiques, sémantiques et textuels Anne-Laure Daux-Combaudon
Odyssey of the West IV: A Classic Education through the Great Books: Towards Enlightenment Timothy B. Shutt4
Учимся писать статьи, доклады, рефераты. Практические советы и рекомендации: от выбора темы до публикации Надежда Потапова
Der Mensch und seine Grammatik: Eine historische Korpusstudie in anthropologischer Absicht Simon Kasper
Effective Communication in a Global Context: Interconnectivity – Interculturality – Interdisciplinarity
Leonardo da Vinci – The Renaissance Genius and Visionary: The Untold Story of Leonardo’s Masterpieces, Scientific Inventions, and Boundless Curiosity Théophile Martin
Mark Twain's Literary Resources: A Reconstruction of His Library and Reading (Volume Two) Alan Gribben