
  1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The 42nd Anniversary Edition of Douglas Adams' International Bestseller Douglas Adams
  2. Liv 3.0 : Att vara människa i den artificiella intelligensens tid Max Tegmark
  3. En trollunge att räkna med Lisbeth Wremby
  4. Vårt liv är inte vårt Orest Lastow
  5. Universum i din hand Christophe Galfard
  6. Syndafall i Wilmslow David Lagercrantz
  7. Tvåhundra år förgäves Orest Lastow
  8. Laban och Labolina räknar Inger Sandberg
  9. Förgiftad : Berättelser om fasor, formler och fiaskon Ulf Ellervik
  10. Världen är min Orest Lastow
  11. What We Cannot Know: Explorations at the Edge of Knowledge Marcus du Sautoy
  12. Emmys teorem Julia Ravanis
  13. The Joy of Science Jim Al-Khalili
  14. Transform Your Life And Save The World: Through The Dreamed Of Arrival Of The Rehabilitating Biological Explanation Of The Human Condition Jeremy Griffith
  15. Majavateoria Antti Tuomainen
  16. Knorr, Koko och siffran 2 (e-bok + ljud) Maria Nilsson Thore
  17. Three O'Clock in the Morning: A Novel Gianrico Carofiglio
  18. Kornas hemliga liv Rosamund Young
  19. The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Math, from One to Infinity Steven Strogatz
  20. The Dispossessed: A Novel Ursula K. Le Guin
  21. The Glass Bead Game Hermann Hesse
  22. Handbook of Electronics Formulas and Calculations - Volume 1 Newton C. Braga
  23. Hjärna, gener och jävlar anamma : hur barn lär Torkel Klingberg
  24. Hidden Figures: The Untold Story of the African American Women Who Helped Win the Space Race Margot Lee Shetterly
  25. Did one in 10 Greeks die in World War Two? BBC Radio 4
  26. Dual_EC_DRBG with Justin Schuh and Matthew Green Thomas Ptacek
  27. Живая математика. Нематематическиая книга о вдохновении, науке, образовании и жизни Алексей Савватеев
  28. A Joosr Guide to... Thinking in Numbers by Daniel Tammet: How Maths Illuminates Our Lives Joosr
  29. A Joosr Guide to... How Not to Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg: The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life Joosr
  30. Den dummaste jävla idé jag någonsin hört Johan Wendt
  31. The Story of Mathematics Anne Rooney
  32. The Book of Numbers Tim Glynne-Jones
  33. The Great Mathematicians: [Fully Illustrated] Raymond Flood
  34. Cuando los niños se encuentran con los primeros números: Investigaciones en clave socioconstructivista Eduardo Martí Sala
  35. Los numeros de la vida: Resumen y Análisis Kit Yates
  36. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Edwin A. Abbott
  37. How many Americans live ‘paycheck to paycheck’? BBC Radio 4
  38. La matemática en la escuela: Por una revolución epistemológica y didáctica Yves Chevallard
  39. How Bloomberg's Data Scientists use Satellite Images for Reporting: Krishna Karra - MBM78 Maxime Lenormand
  40. Quantum Willow with John Schanck and Samuel Jacques Thomas Ptacek
  41. Principia: "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" Isaac Newton
  42. Did Mussolini make the trains run on time? BBC Radio 4
  43. LA LOGIQUE RACONTE SON HISTOIRE: Une science au cœur du raisonnement. Stephen Daronyashi
  44. 7th Grade Financial Education: Building Personal Finance skill for Teens and Tweens Simon Schroth
  45. Math Fun in 30 Days: Your Path to Multiplication Mastery: "Transform your math journey! Experience interactive audio lessons for multiplication success in just 30 days!" Jasper Calloway
  46. Un enfoque para el modelamiento de datos utilizando sistemas Neuro-Fuzzy: Aplicaciones geoespaciales Luis Carlos Benini
  47. Numbers of the year 2024 BBC Radio 4
  48. Математика без преград. Увлекательные научные факты, истории, эксперименты Юлия Кита
  49. Applications of Finite Mathematics Gautami Devar
  50. AI Epoken: Sådan vil kunstig intelligens revolutionere fremtiden Anders Bæk