
  1. Polisförhandlarna - på liv och död Erica Luuk
  2. Möts aldrig halvvägs : Förhandla som om det gällde livet Chris Voss
  3. Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It Chris Voss
  4. Få som du vill och lite till! : vardagsförhandla som ett proffs Viveca Sten
  5. The Power of Saying No: The New Science of How to Say No That Puts You in Charge of Your Life Vanessa Patrick, PhD
  6. Förhandlingsguide för kreativa och konsulter Daily Bits Of
  7. Mastery In Negotiation Tactics: Simple steps to mastering the art of negotiation Paul Robinson
  8. Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For: A Guide for New Leaders William Gentry
  9. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High, Third Edition Joseph Grenny
  10. Förhandla mer! Carl Fhager
  11. Ultimate Power Negotiating for Salespeople Master Course Roger Dawson
  12. Summary of Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz Readtrepreneur Publishing
  13. Mastering Everyday Negotiations: Strategies for Success Tom M. Whitman
  14. Mastering the Art of Negotiation: Secrets to Win Every Time: "Master negotiation like never before! Dive into powerful audio lessons that guarantee winning outcomes!" Orson Vexley
  15. Persuasion IQ: The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You Want Kurt Mortensen
  16. Influencia y persuasión Harvard Business Review
  17. Переговоры Татьяна Мужицкая
  18. Хватит мне звонить. Правила успешных переговоров в мессенджерах и социальных сетях Игорь Рызов
  19. El negociador creativo Stephen Kozicki
  20. Guía del animador eficaz Gilbert Garibal
  21. Getting Back to the Table: 5 Steps to Reviving Stalled Negotiations Joshua N. Weiss
  22. Невидимая сила: Как работает американская дипломатия Уильям Бернс
  23. Keskusteluälykkyys painetilanteissa Helena Åhman
  24. Negociar con sabiduría: Cómo optimizar los acuerdos que marcarán tu vida Sergio Kaplan
  25. Trump-Style Negotiation: Powerful Strategies and Tactics for Mastering Every Deal George H. Ross
  26. Negotiating Your Salary: Get the money and recognition you deserve 50minutes
  27. Escucha con el corazón Maurizio Grassi
  28. The Primes: How Any Group Can Solve Any Problem Chris McGoff
  29. The Influence Game: 50 Insider Tactics from the Washington D.C. Lobbying World that Will Get You to Yes Stephanie Vance
  30. Beyond Dealmaking : Five Steps to Negotiating Profitable Relationships: Five Steps to Negotiating Profitable Relationships Melanie Billings-Yun
  31. Influence Without Authority, 2nd Edition David L. Bradford
  32. Переговоры Коллектив авторов
  33. Расширение границ мышления. Как преодолеть внутренние ограничения и раскрыть свой потенциал Гу Дянь
  34. От Эминема до Билла Гейтса: Искусство общения и выстраивания связей Брайан Грейзер
  35. Selling Your Small Business: A Guide for Businesses Under $1M Revenue Virversity Online Courses
  36. Мы можем договориться: Стратегии разрешения сложных конфликтов Уильям Юри
  37. The Secrets of Dark Psychology and Body Language: How to Protect Yourself From Manipulation, Detect Lies, and Analyze Other People. 7 Rules of Influence and Power. Ronald Gill
  38. Negotiating: Bargaining Methods and Essential Negotiation Skills Tom Hendrix
  39. Negotiating: The Art of Always Getting the Best Deal Tom Hendrix
  40. Negotiating: Negotiation Mistakes and Mediation Skills for Beginners Tom Hendrix
  41. Negotiating: Active Listening and Communication Skills for Negotiations Tom Hendrix
  42. Negotiating: The Ultimate Guide to Negotiate, Resolve Conflicts, and Mediate Tom Hendrix
  43. Negotiating: Strategies and Tactics for Dealmakers Tom Hendrix
  44. Negotiating: Business Skills and Persuasion Tactics Tom Hendrix
  45. Сценарии конфликтов: Как без нервов улаживать споры и проблемы на работе и в жизни Марина Майорова
  46. Expensive Mistakes When Buying & Selling Companies: And How to Avoid Them in Your Deals Richard G. Stieglitz PhD
  47. Kiinalaiset liiketavat Seppo Pietarinen
  48. Body Language in Sales: incl. Bonus – Grasp Gestures Mimic & Nonverbal Communication, Sell More Faster, Use Rhetoric & Psychology of Persuasion, Negotiate Confidently with Appearance & Charisma Simone Janson
  49. Golfplatzmanagement – die geheime Erfolgsstrategie: incl. Bonus – Mehr Geld verdienen, Menschen überzeugen beim Verhandeln & Verkaufen, die Macht der Rhetorik Psychologie & Kommunikation nutzen Simone Janson
  50. Endure the Tiger: Negotiating to gain ground Leonie McKeon