The Shop Girls of Harpers: The start of the bestselling heartwarming historical saga series from Rosie Clarke Rosie Clarke3.9
Rainy Days for the Harpers Girls: A heartbreaking historical saga from bestseller Rosie Clarke Rosie Clarke4.2
Wartime Blues for the Harpers Girls - Brand NEW in the Harpers Emporium saga series from Rosie Clarke.: A heartwarming historical saga from bestseller Rosie Clarke Rosie Clarke
Wartime Blues for the Harpers Girls: A heartwarming historical saga from bestseller Rosie Clarke Rosie Clarke4.3
Changing Times at Harpers: Another instalment in Rosie Clarke's historical saga series Rosie Clarke4.2
Heartbreak at Harpers: Another instalment in the emotional, uplifting Harpers series from BESTSELLER Rosie Clarke Rosie Clarke4.7