How to Teach Your Teenager Safe Driving: Psychological and Safety Aspects of Driving, with Advanced Driving TechniquesYoav Amosi
Triunfos a Través de la Fe en Jesucristo: Historias de Superación ante la AdversidadDavid Saccoh Wright
The Super Special Kid!: A story of God's love and purpose through adoptionPortia Goldsmith-Nickelberry
Triomphe par la Foi en Jésus-Christ: Diverses Histoires Individuelles de Dépassement de l'AdversitéDavid Saccoh Wright
The Journey to God's Calling: The True story of a Young Boy's faith and Transformation from Ghana to AmericaBaffour Nkrumah-Appiah
Poèmes en Hommage aux Héros Africains et Leaders de la Libération: Un Plan pour un Bon Leadership en AfriqueDavid Saccoh Wright
Revelando a Jesucristo en el Nuevo Testamento: Las Historias Principales Explicadas con Perspectivas BíblicasDavid Saccoh Wright
Revelando a Jesús en el Antiguo Testamento: Las principales historias explicadas con perspectivas bíblicasDavid Saccoh Wright
The Artificial Intelligence Rights and Responsibilities Act: Empowering Innovation, Ensuring EthicsAlton Booth
Life Style Daily Affirmations: 30 days of Motivational Readings to Build a Positive MindsetBernard Dyson