Ethiopian Diaspora Churches on Mission: An Intergenerational Perspective on Ethiopian Churches in the United StatesMehari Tedla Korcho
God Saw That It Was Good, Not Perfect: A Canonical-Dialogic Reading of Genesis 1-3Hulisani Ramantswana
Dealing with Mission Drift in Parachurch Agencies: An Analysis of Holistic Mission of Christian Non-Governmental Organizations and Non-Profit OrganizationsIsrael K. Kombaté
Traditional Worship in Russian-speaking Churches: Fоrmation, Features, and Internal Conflicts with a Focus on BelarusLeonid Mikhovich
Compassionate Intercultural Care Practices for Coping with Grief: Biblical Theology in Conversation with Pastoral TheologyJames Japheth Sudarshan Harrichand
The Characterization of Peter’s Leadership and Ethics in Acts 1–12, 15: Echoes of the Mebaqqer at QumranBenea Alukwe
The Laws of the Imperialized: Understanding Exodus 19–24 as a Response to Imperial Legal TraditionsChung Man Anna Lo
The Power and Purpose of Blood in God’s Design: Leviticus 17 and Its Implications for Christian Engagement with Chinese CultureCynthia Hsing-Wei Chang
Integrated Mission: Recovering a Christian Spirituality for Evangelical Integral TransformationSarah Nicholl
Brotherhood in Christ: Towards a Ukrainian Baptist Perspective on Associations of ChurchesOleksandr Geychenko
Towards a Contextualized Conceptualization of Social Justice for Post-Apartheid NamibiaBasilius M. Kasera
To Die in Africa’s Dust: West Indian Missionaries in Western Africa in the Nineteenth CenturyLas G. Newman
Reconciliation as a Controversial Symbol: An Analysis of a Theological Discourse in South AfricaDemaine J. Solomons
Live to Be Forgotten: Dixon Edward Hoste, China Inland Mission, and the Indigenous Chinese Church in Early Twentieth-Century ChinaPatrick Fung
Wisdom According to Paul in Relation to the Corinthian Problems: A Sociological and Rhetorical Analysis of 1 Corinthians 1–4Richard C. Rojas
Paul as a Prototype and Entrepreneur of Christian Identity: An Investigation into Leadership and Identity in 1 Corinthians 1-4Vuyani Stanley Sindo