BFBA AWCF Exam Preparation Course The BFBA are delighted to be able to launch a brand new BFBA course which offers two tailored routes - whilst providing unparalleled learning support - to achieve the Worshipful Company of Farriers Associate Examination (AWCF).
Following the completion of a ‘Diagnostic Day’ on 23rd April at Hereford School of Farriery, Holme Lacey Campus, candidates will be supported to choose one of two routes to complete the AWCF examination.
• ‘Route 1’ supports candidates to prepare through participation within a 10-module, level 4/5 course delivered over 12 months, completing the AWCF examination in two parts over a 1-year period • ‘Route 2’ supports candidates to ‘Step Up’ to the AWCF exam preparation course through participation within a 5 module, level 3 course delivered over 6 months, before proceeding to then complete the AWCF Examination in two parts through participation within the 10 module, level 4/5 course.
The BFBA AWCF Exam Preparation course tutors are Danny Bennett AWCF, Cert Ed, A1 Assessor and Dean Bland BA(Hons) DipWCF(Hons) GradDipELR Dip.Ed MAFA.
Following training to become a farrier in the army, Danny left the forces in 2005 to set up his own farriery business. He is a familiar face at farriery competitions both within the UK and abroad. Danny’s enthusiasm for education is well-known – he has tutored at Myerscough College prior to his current position at Hereford - in addition to conducting shoeing and shoemaking clinics and hosting his own, world renowned, farriery podcast.
Dean has over 20 years’ experience of working as a farrier, educator and welfare advocate. As founder of Well Equine, he has delivered training programmes around the world; and has received awards for his support of education and equine welfare.
These comprehensive courses provide excellent value for money and places will be secured on a first come, first served basis. Numbers are restricted so please don’t delay.
• Diagnostic Day - £180* • Route 1 - AWCF Exam Preparation course - £2100 BFBA member / £2800 non-member • Route 2 – ‘Step up’ plus AWCF Exam Preparation course - £2950 BFBA member / £3687.50 non-member
*the price of the Diagnostic Day is refundable when a candidate proceeds to either Route 1 or Route 2
“We are delighted to be delivering this ‘AWCF Exam Preparation’ course on behalf of the BFBA,” Dean said, “Our aim is to deliver a course that supports candidates complete the AWCF examination in two parts over a 1-year period, with each candidate receiving tailored support based upon their own individual needs through a mixture of onsite and online sessions.”
“We want the course to be an enjoyable experience, bringing farriers together to support themselves and each other.” Danny continued “We would encourage anyone who is interested in joining us to get in touch with BFBA Head Office.”
For an in-depth breakdown of the course structure, to ask any questions and to book please contact BFBA Head Office on 024 76 696595 or email Holly on
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