‘Tis the Season…for Siblings: Episode 880Sibling time over the holidays, plus trading anxiety for peace, and should you change jobs to advance your career?
Featured musical artist: About a Mile
Roundtable: Sibling Connections at Christmas
What are your sibling dynamics like during the holidays? Some of us have great relationships with our brothers and sisters, but for others, interactions and conversations can be shallow, awkward, or even tense. Our guests share both good and difficult moments they’ve had with their siblings; if you aren’t sure how to connect meaningfully with your family this Christmas, you’ll be encouraged by our discussion.
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Culture: What God Does With Anxiety
Rates of anxiety among young adults are at an all-time high. How do we cope? Do we white-knuckle it and hope things get better? Not according to Whitney Lowe, who argues that God not only can but wants to take our anxiety if we’ll bring it to Him. Join us for practical suggestions for setting our minds on God and bringing peace to our minds and hearts.
Set Your Eyes Higher: A 40-Day Reset to Slow Your Anxiety and Fix Your Focus on God
Whitney’s Instagram
Inbox: Will Changing Jobs Put Me Ahead?
Some suggest that if you change jobs, you’ll advance in your career more quickly. But is that actually true? Career expert Marshonda Dixon weighs in.
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