Tonight I will be welcoming Waylon and Reno from Albert, Canada. I will also be speaking to Angel from GA. Reno writes "Hey Wes, been a listener of your show for a while now and I had a strange encounter on Thanksgiving (Canadian thanksgiving Oct 14th). Been hesitant to contact you about it but I thought you might want to hear it. I’m located in Northern Alberta. I’ll start from the absolute start, my brother and a family friend went hunting around two years ago a few miles from my family friends house down an overgrown cut line that turns very swampy. My brother and him are avid hunters. It rained the night before and the ground was very soft as they went in on ATVs so my brother got off to see how bad one spot was to cross and noticed large footprints in the ground spacing around 8 feet apart in a straight line. They both never seen anything like that before so after leaving my brother came back to the spot and casted the track (I can send photos of the tracks and the print he casted) Fast forward to this Thanksgiving. Our family friend now lives in a different location, with a butcher living at that house. The butcher got a blood infection around a month before Thanksgiving and was in the hospital, so nobody was staying at that house for around a month. Me and my brother went to that place at around 11pm on the night before thanksgiving to use his smokehouse to smoke a biscuit for thanksgiving the next day. I stayed in my truck that was parked towards the overhead doors listening to music while it smoked while my brother stayed in the shop. I’m not very easily creeped out at all but the entire time I kept looking over my shoulder into the woods. I just had an eerie feeling the entire time sitting waiting for the meat to finish smoking. We finished up went back to my place in town and cooked it. Fast forward to Thanksgiving day. Me and my brother went back at around 2pm in the afternoon to use the shops butcher equipment to cut and package the meat. While my brother was inside I went to my truck to charge my vape. Across the gravel road lies a run down yard where a farmer has a run down trailer without siding with white paper exposed half blowing off and a couple of old beat up trashed vehicles. As I looked up after plugging in my vape I noticed through an opening in the trees there was a black figure that resembled a head moving out from behind the trees looking at me and moving back in, doing this continuously. I only noticed it because the white siding paper was directly behind it so it really stood out and it was the only thing moving because there was no wind that day. I stared at it for a few minutes trying to figure out what I was looking at and my brother eventually came looking for me and I pointed it out to him. We came to the conclusion that it was probably a person on a deck moving stuff in and out of the trailer. He went back inside and I kept looking at it and waved. About a minute after my brother went inside and after I waved this figure really started swaying fully into the opening and back behind the trees. I heard on your podcast of them doing this sort of thing but I blew it off thinking yeah right this has to be a person. I’m always teasing my brother about Bigfoot and now I’m seeing this from a yard that’s a 10 minute drive from town? I eventually went inside helped my brother pack the meat and we left. There was no vehicle parked on the road or in the yard when we drove by and there was no deck on the side of the trailer where I saw the figure. That creeped me right out.
We went back the next day to check out the yard and see if we could see if there was any evidence of something being there. We didn’t find anything but I dropped my brother off exactly where the opening was and went back to the same spot in the yard where I stood the previous day to gauge how tall this was (I thought there was a deck where it was because it was so high up). There was an old junk truck near the opening and my brother stood inside of the door and put his hand all the way in the air and I could see the bottom of his fingers through the opening. After seeing that I got chills man. My brother is 6’3’’ so whatever we saw was extremely tall. Would love to come on the show and talk about it if you’d like, don’t want to use my actual name though. I feel like here in Northern Alberta Bigfoot encounters aren’t too uncommon, I’ve heard accounts from family friends and my grandfather had a man that worked for him with a strange encounter building a dam with a family of the workers work from the other side of the river." Angel writes "I writing to let you know of some encounters I have had over the years. My first encounter took place in Gordon County , Sugar Valley Ga near Johns Mountain in the early fall of 2013 when this encounter took place it was myself, my ex husband, my mother, and inlaws, we were in what they call the upper field checking on the pumpkins they had planted after my in laws got done checking on everything we were all standing around talking when all of sudden a tree falls, keep in mind we hadn't had any rain in weeks and the ground was super dry, and no wind was blowing, I made the comment it's weird the tree just falls and jokingly i said maybe its a bigfoot and my mother in law laughs it off and states trees fall all the time, I remember my father in law as well having to put scarecrows up to get animals out of the crops, i remember several times him saying the watermelons and pumpkins being spilt open in halves it appeared something had purposely spilt them open and were eating the inside , this property boarder's the WMA . the second incident happened in a different area of the same property, a few weeks after the tree fall, my ex husband and I had just pulled in our drive way when his cousin came running out of the house with his shotgun saying something tall and dark was trying to get the chickens , he had fired his shot gun towards the chicken coop, and the upright figure ran off, i asked him was it a bear and he said no a bear doesn't run upright on 2 feet, i went into the house and came out a few minutes later to get something out of the car when i noticed a huge footprint, i called my ex husband and his cousin over to look at it and his cousin said thats no average foot print. keep in mind it had been raining and the footprint was very distinct that was the only noticeable foot print as the rest of the area was grassy. we guessimated the footprint was about 14 inches in length, and about 8 inches in width after noticing the footprint we just brushed it off an went back into the house, nothing else happened after that. the final incident happened in the winter of 2013 in a little community in gordon county ga called nickelsville on hwy 136 , me and my niece had just left my parents house and it was right at dusk my niece was driving and had turned onto hwy 136 off of hwy 225 heading back towards Resaca when a large upright hair covered creature crossed the road in front of us the creature crossed from left to right and took 2 steps to completely cross the road, my niece freaked out slammed on breaks and stopped in the middle of the road and asked what fuck was that , we were both shocked and terrified at what we had just seen, my niece was so upset that i had to drive home. we guessimated it to be around 7 feet tall. it scared my niece so bad that she didnt wanna go on that road for a long time, keep in mind this about 20 miles from fort mtn where there has been numerous sasquatch encounters."
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