The Murdaugh Trial Autopsy Review | Official Findings: The Best of Body Bags with Joseph Scott MorganWe revisit the Murdaugh trial in which South Carolina lawyer, Alex Murdaugh, is currently facing trial for the murder of his wife Maggie, and his son Paul. As the trial continues, we are learning more information about the nature of the crimes and how exactly they played out.In this episode of Body Bags, forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan and special guest co-host Dave Mack discuss the specifics of both Paul and Maggie’s injuries, why the prosecution uses diagrams vs. photographs when showing evidence in court, whether Paul had any defensive wounds, and much more.
Show Notes:
0:00 - Intro1:18 - Background and overview of the case
2:35 - Using diagrams in court vs. photographs
6:05 - Paul Murdaugh’s injuries
11:15 - The second shot to Paul Murdaugh’s head
14:50 - Paul’s face left intact
19:25 - Were there any type of defensive wounds on Paul?
20:30 - Maggie Murdaugh’s injuries
23:30 - Stippling around Maggie’s wounds
26:00 - Shot to the abdomen
29:00 - Was this overkill?
31:00 - Wrap up and outro
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