Morning Star, Midnight Sun: The Early Guadalcanal-Solomons Campaign of World War II August – October 1942: The Early Guadalcanal-Solomons Campaign of World War II August–October 1942Jeffrey R. Cox4.2
Death in the A Shau Valley: L Company LRRPs in Vietnam, 1969–1970: L Company LRRPs in Vietnam, 1969-1970Larry Chambers4
American Laughter, American Fury: Humor and the Making of a White Man's Democracy, 1750–1850Eran A. Zelnik
Professional Services Marketing: How the Best Firms Build Premier Brands, Thriving Lead Generation Engines, and Cultures of Business Development SuccessMike Schultz4.3
Blood and Honor: Inside the Scarfo Mob—The Mafia's Most Violent Family: Inside the Scarfo Mob - The Mafia's Most Violent FamilyGeorge Anastasia3
Barred by Congress: How a Mormon, a Socialist, and an African American Elected by the People Were Excluded from OfficeRobert M. Lichtman
Not Just Evil: Murder, Hollywood, and California's First Insanity Plea: Murder, Hollywood, and California’s First Insanity PleaDavid Wilson3.3