Dopamine Detox: Reduce Instant Gratification, Beat Social Media Addiction, and Stop Wasting Your LifeJosh Snider4.5
Peak Human Clock: How to Get up Early, Fix Eating Time Schedule, and Improve Exercise Routines to be Highly ProductiveSaid Hasyim
Peak Brain Plasticity: Remember What You Want to Remember and Forget What You Can't ForgetSaid Hasyim3
Beyond Human Boundaries: An amazing psychological thriller about a girl's alter-ego and how she can look perfect and impeccable on the outside, actually broke and shattered on the insideFakhra Afzal
Accessing Your True Potential: Four Core Principles to Being the Best Version of YouVittorio Calabrese
How to Stop Overthinking: Keep Worry, Overanalyzing, Rumination, Intrusive Thoughts From Controlling Your Life, and Find Inner PeaceDean Bishop5
Healing Your Inner Child: Transformative CBT Methods to Overcome Abandonment Trauma, Heal From Childhood Emotional Neglect and Find Inner PeaceDaniel Hill
Shadow Work Workbook for Inner Child Healing (2 Books in 1): A Life-Changing Guide to Integrate Your Shadow Self, Release Emotional Blocks, Overcome Childhood Emotional Neglect and Find Inner PeaceDaniel Hill
How to Stop Overthinking and Negative Thinking (2 Books in 1): The Ultimate Guide to Control Negative Thoughts, Stop Negative Spirals, Relieve Anxiety, and Find Inner PeaceVictoria Tyler
How to master your emotions: A practical guide to emotional intelligence to stop overthinking and build self-confidenceRichard Rokicki
Borderline Personality Disorder: A Life-Changing Guide to Successfully Manage BPD, Protect Your Mental Health, and Cultivate Healthy RelationshipsLois Frost
Emotional Self-Care and Mental Health for Women (6 Books in 1): A Collection of Self Help Books to Master Your Emotions, Cultivate Self-Love, Stop Overthinking, Get Over Anxiety, and Reclaim YourselfDaniel Hill
Critical Thinking: Solve Hard Problems Easily, Make Better Decisions, and Bulletproof Your MindGabriel Dawson