The Love of Attraction: Tested Secrets to Let Go of Fear-Based Mindsets, Activate LOA Faster, and Start Manifesting Your Desires!Elena G. Rivers4
Buddhism: Your Personal Guide to Healing Your Life, Achieving Happiness and Finding Inner PeaceMaya Faro4
Law of Attraction Lover: This Book Includes: Manifestation Secrets Demystified, Script to Manifest & The Love of AttractionElena G.Rivers5
Weight Loss Motivation for Women!: Change Your Mindset, Stop Torturing Yourself with Perfectionism, and Create Super Healthy Habits You Enjoy!Elena Garcia3.7
Mindfulness - Mindful Eating: Proven Secrets to Lose Weight, Stop Overeating and Feel RelaxedMaya Faro2.8
Quantum Physics: Get What You Want: Practical Quantum Physics Tips to Attract Health, Happiness, Wealth & AbundanceMaya Faro2.6