Honungsfällan : historien om Swedbank, Ryssland och världens största penningtvättskandal Lars Berge4.6
PADRE RICO, PADRE POBRE: Qué les enseñan los ricos a sus hijos acerca del dinero, ¡qué los pobres y la clase media no! Robert Kiyosaki
Команда для лидера, лидер для команды: Как добиваться синергии, управлять мотивацией и масштабировать результаты Елена Канавина
Selling Your Small Online Business: A Guide for Businesses Under $1M in Revenue Virversity Online Courses
MY LIFE Unplugged: Secrets to Thrive Together: "Elevate your life journey with transformative audio insights designed for ultimate growth and connection!" Alden Tyrell
Powerful Economic Strategies for Success: "Unlock your potential! Dive into compelling audio lessons that transform your understanding of powerful economic strategies for success!" Jasper Corwin
HRCI HR Exam Success Secrets: "Revamp your HRCI HR exam prep! Unlock compelling audio lessons for peak exam success and confidence." Dorian Ravenshade
Hitta rätt i stället för att leta fel : vägen till ett gladare liv, bättre relationer och oslagbara team Gunnel Ryner4.3
Zero To One by Peter Thiel; Blake Masters - Book Summary: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future Dean Bokhari3.9
The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies Andrew McAfee
AI Valley: Microsoft, Google, and the Trillion-Dollar Race to Cash In on Artificial Intelligence Gary Rivlin