Prose Edda: Unveiling the Mythological Prose and Legendary Tales of Old Norse LiteratureSnorri Sturluson
Prose Edda — Gylfaginning (The Fooling Of Gylfe): Gods, Giants, and Heroes: Legends of Norse Mythology and CreationSnorri Sturluson
Kuningastarinoita: Kuninkaalliset tarinat ja mytologiset legendojen kudelmat Pohjolan hallitsijoistaSnorri Sturluson
The Poetic Edda & The Prose Edda: The Elder Saemundar Edda: Baldr's Dreams, Loki's Altercation + The Younger Snorri's Edda: Of Odin, Of Thor, Of Ragnarok, Gylfi's Journey To AsgardSnorri Sturluson
The Poetic Edda & The Prose Edda (Complete Edition): Mythological Tales and Heroic Sagas of the Norse WorldSnorri Sturluson
The Collected Norse Sagas: Epic Norse Mythology and Viking Sagas: Tales of Gods, Heroes, and Myths from Ancient ScandinaviaAnonymous
The Poetic Edda & The Prose Edda: The Elder Saemundar Edda: Baldr's Dreams, Loki's Altercation + The Younger Snorri's Edda: Of Odin, Of Thor, Of Ragnarok, Gylfi's Journey To AsgardSnorri Sturluson
The Younger Edda; Also called Snorre's Edda, or The Prose Edda: Unveiling the Secrets of Norse Mythology and PoetrySnorri Sturluson
The Sagas of Olaf Tryggvason and of Harald The Tyrant (Harald Haardraade): Epic Sagas of Viking Power and Conquest: A Window into Medieval ScandinaviaSnorri Sturluson
The Poetic Edda & The Prose Edda (Complete Edition): The Elder Saemundar Edda: Baldr's Dreams, Loki's Altercation + The Younger Snorri's Edda: Of Odin, Of Thor, Of Ragnarok, Gylfi's Journey To AsgardSnorri Sturluson4.5
Norse Sagas: Kings' Sagas: Saga of Olaf Haraldson, Saga of Magnus the Good, Sagas of Icelanders: Saga of the Greenlanders, Erik the Red's Saga, Legendary Sagas: Volsunga Saga, Frithiof's SagaAnonymous
Heimskringla: The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway: Ynglinga, Halfdan Svarte, Harald Hårfagre, Håkon Góði, King Harald Grafeld, Olaf Tryggvason, Olaf II Haraldson, Magnus Góði, Harald Hardråde, Olaf KyrreSnorri Sturluson