Neiti Klairon: Aristokraattisen elämän varjoissa: aikakauden poliittiset levottomuudet ja ylelliset yksityiskohdatL. Mühlbach
Napoleon's Legacy: A 20-Volume Journey Through History: War and Peace, Waterloo, The Companions of Jehu, Empress Josephine, Uncle Bernac, The Rover, Moscow…Max Pemberton
The Aftermath of Napoleonic Wars: 20 Historical Novels: Waterloo, War and Peace, The Companions of Jehu, Empress Josephine, Uncle Bernac, The Rover, Moscow…Max Pemberton
Frederick the Great and His Court: Intrigue and Power in Frederick's Court: A Tale of European Royalty and Enlightenment PoliticsL. Mühlbach
Queen Hortense: A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era: Intrigues, Romances, and Power Struggles of the Napoleonic EraL. Mühlbach