THE HOLIDAY: How Nancy Meyers’ Tale of Aspirational House Swapping Became a Christmas ClassicHollywood Gold
MEET THE PARENTS: Robert De Niro's Hilarious Portrayal as Your Intimidating Father-in-LawHollywood Gold
SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK: How David O. Russell's Incredible Direction Won Jennifer Lawrence Her First Oscar at 23Hollywood Gold
THE SUBSTANCE: The Journey to Creating Coralie Fargeat’s Genre-Defying Modern MasterpieceHollywood Gold
THELMA & LOUISE: Callie Khouri’s Feminist Fever Dream and the Movie Ridley Scott Almost Didn’t DirectHollywood Gold
ELECTION: Reese Witherspoon Goes Method and Alexander Payne’s Near Straight-to-Video ReleaseHollywood Gold
PITCH PERFECT: How Elizabeth Banks + Max Handelman Produced One of Universal’s Biggest FranchisesHollywood Gold
LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE: How a Yellow VW and an Unknown Steve Carell Won the Sundance LotteryHollywood Gold
RUSH HOUR: Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker Reinvent the Buddy Comedy and Create Box Office MagicHollywood Gold
THE BIG SICK: How a Chance Encounter With Judd Apatow Led to Michael Showalter’s Sundance HitHollywood Gold
THE LAST WALTZ: Scorsese’s Late Nights, Neil Young’s Coke Booger, and the Band’s Epic Last HoorahHollywood Gold
FESTIVAL DIARIES - THEATER CAMP: How Ben Platt & Molly Gordon's friendship led to this year's Sundance hit!Hollywood Gold
THE FIGHTER: How David O. Russell Combined Comedy, Crack Cocaine and Christian Bale into Oscar GoldHollywood Gold
THE ICE STORM: Tobey Maguire’s Terrible Audition and the Film That Saved Katie Holmes’ CareerHollywood Gold
APOCALYPSE NOW: How Typhoons, Heart Attacks and an Overweight Marlon Brando Made an All Time Great FilmHollywood Gold
AUSTIN POWERS: How Mike Myers’ Gamble Went From Failed Test Screening to Successful FranchiseHollywood Gold
ETERNAL SUNSHINE: How Innovative Camera Work and a Bold Jim Carrey Performance Made Movie MagicHollywood Gold
CRAZY RICH ASIANS: The Blockbuster Film That Broke Boundaries, Despite Studios Wanting the Lead to Be WhiteHollywood Gold
GLORY: How Ed Zwick Refused to Make a White Savior Movie and Denzel Washington Won His First OscarHollywood Gold
THE RIGHT STUFF: How the Exit of Hollywoods Biggest Writer Led to 8 Academy Award NominationsHollywood Gold
KNIVES OUT: How Rian Johnson’s Island Vacation Was Interrupted by a Meeting With Daniel CraigHollywood Gold
SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE: How Nancy Meyers Turned an Unwanted Romcom Into an Oscar-Nominated SuccessHollywood Gold
DESPERATELY SEEKING SUSAN: How Madonna Went From Unknown to Superstar While Filming Her Feature DebutHollywood Gold