The Life Of Flavius Josephus: A Jewish Historian's Memoir of Ancient Judea and the Roman OccupationFlavius Josephus
The Antiquities of the Jews: Unveiling the Jewish Past: A Historical Journey through Ancient Civilizations and Biblical TimesJosephus
The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus. Illustrated: War of the Jews, Antiquities of the Jews, Against Apio and othersFlavius Josephus
Classic Collection of Autobiographies: My Inventions, Highlights of His Life, The Story of My Experiments with Truth and othersVictor Hugo
Der Jüdische Krieg und Kleinere Schriften: Mit der Paragraphenzählung nach Benedict NieseFlavius Josephus
The Complete Works: History of the Jewish War against the Romans, The Antiquities of the Jews, Against Apion, Discourse to the Greeks concerning Hades & AutobiographyFlavius Josephus
Arguments of Celsus, Porphyry, and the Emperor Julian, Against the Christians: Also Extracts from Diodorus Siculus, Josephus, and Tacitus, Relating to the Jews, Together with an AppendixCornelius Tacitus
The Antiquities of the Jews: History of the Jewish People from Adam and Eve to Jewish–Roman Wars; Including Author's AutobiographyFlavius Josephus
The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus: Exploring Ancient Jewish Customs and Beliefs in the First Century ADFlavius Josephus
The Jewish Wars: History of the Jewish War and Resistance against the Romans; Including Author's AutobiographyFlavius Josephus
The History of the Jewish People & The Jewish-Roman Wars: The Antiquities of the Jews & The History of the Jewish War against the RomansFlavius Josephus
Jüdischer Krieg: Die jüdische Geschichte von der Eroberung Jerusalems im Jahr 168 v. Chr. durch die Seleukiden bis zum jüdischen Aufstand gegen die Römer von 66 bis 70 n. Chr.Flavius Josephus
Flavius Josephus - Gesammelte Werke: Jüdischer Krieg, Jüdische Altertümer, Gegen Apion, SelbstbiographieFlavius Josephus
The Wars of the Jews; Or, The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem: An Account of the Jewish-Roman Conflict and the Fall of JerusalemFlavius Josephus
Arguments of Celsus, Porphyry, and the Emperor Julian, Against the Christians: Also Extracts from Diodorus Siculus, Josephus, and Tacitus, Relating to the Jews, Together with an AppendixCornelius Tacitus