
  1. The Women: The Instant Number One Bestseller from the author of The Nightingale Kristin Hannah
  2. The Vietnam War: History in an Hour Neil Smith
  3. Heart-Shaped Box Joe Hill
  4. Ly-Lan and the New Class Mix-up Hà Dinh
  5. The Tales of a Tiger: Memoirs from the Vietnam War Michael R. Farley
  6. The Vietnam War Trilogy: The 13th Valley, For the Sake of All Living Things, and Carry Me Home John M. Del Vecchio
  7. Obama's Legacy The Washington Post
  8. I Pledge Allegiance Chris Lynch
  9. Those Who Stayed: A Vietnam Diary Claudia Krich
  10. Plain Chinglish Oliver Lutz Radtke
  11. Peace First: A New Model to End War Uri Savir
  12. Native Americans in History: A History Book for Kids Jimmy Beason
  13. Lemongrass and Mint Vietnamese Cookbook: Classic Vietnamese Restaurant Favorites at Home Linh Nguyen
  14. The Story of Abraham Lincoln: An Inspiring Biography for Young Readers Carla Jablonski
  15. Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out against John Kerry John E. O’Neill
  16. The U.S. Army Combat Historian and Combat History Operations: World War I to the Vietnam War Kathryn Roe Coker
  17. Elite Bastards: The Combat Missions of Company F, LRP Teams in Vietnam Edward L. Dvorak
  18. The Easy Asian Cookbook for Slow Cookers: Family-Style Favorites from East, Southeast, and South Asia Nancy Cho
  19. The Fighting Fathers: CIA-Backed Catholic Militia in South Vietnam Alessandro Giorgi
  20. The Ghostly Tales of Columbia Karen Miller
  21. Virginia's Civil Rights Hero Curtis W. Harris Sr. William Lazarus
  22. Cajun Navy Ground Force: Citizen-Led Disaster Response Rob Gaudet
  23. Cleveland Area Disasters Calvin Rydbom
  24. New Jersey and the Medal of Honor: A History Peter Zablocki
  25. Remembering Chapel Hill: The Twentieth Century As We Lived It Valarie Schwartz
  26. Philippine-American Heritage in Washington, D.C. Erwin R. Tiongson
  27. Arsenal of History: The Powder Magazine of South Carolina Alan Stello Jr.
  28. Kentucky's Civilian Conservation Corps (Vintage Images) Connie M. Huddleston
  29. The Georgia Rambler: A Potter's Snake, the Real Thing Recipe, a Satilla Adventure and More Charles Salter
  30. True Tales of Old-Time Kentucky Politics: Bombast, Bourbon & Burgoo Berry Craig
  31. Northern Virginia Luminaries Joe Motheral
  32. Capitol Park: Historic Heart of Detroit Jack Dempsey
  33. Vietnam Photographs from North Carolina Veterans: The Memories They Brought Home Martin Tucker
  34. Fitz H. Lane: An Artist's Voyage through Nineteenth-Century America James A. Craig
  35. Hidden History of Tennessee Politics B. Jones Jr.
  36. Midtown Sacramento: Creative Soul of the City William Burg
  37. The San Marcos 10: An Antiwar Protest in Texas E.R. Bills
  38. Washington, D.C. Protests: Scenes from Home Rule to the Civil Rights Movement (Vintage Images) Mark S. Greek
  39. Historic Cemeteries of Houston and Galveston Tristan Smith
  40. Stonewall Jackson and Winchester, Virginia Jerry Holsworth
  41. The Rambo Report: Five Films, Three Books, One Legend Nat Segaloff
  42. The Colors of April: Fiction on the Vietnam War’s Legacy 50 Years Later Viet Thanh Nguyen
  43. The Nightingale’s Song Robert Timberg
  44. The Boatman and the Boy Claes Johansen
  45. Unforgettable Vietnam War: The American War in Vietnam: War in the Jungle Scott S. F. Meaker
  46. The Trial of Levi Weeks: Or the Manhattan Well Mystery—The Story of the First Recorded Murder Trial in US History, New York, 1800 Estelle Fox Klieger
  47. The Collected Poems of Lorenzo Thomas Lorenzo Thomas
  48. Taste of Vietnam: Quick and Easy Recipes for Everyone Annie DHA Ly
  49. Hate Is What We Need Ward Schumaker
  50. I Ain’t Marching Anymore: Dissenters, Deserters, and Objectors to America’s Wars Chris Lombardi