International Religious Freedom Report 2007 - Israel and the Disputed Territories: Analyzing Religious Freedom in Israel & Disputed Territories United States Department of State
Apollonius of Tyana: The Pagan Christ of the Third Century: Exploring the Mystical Legacy of a Pagan Rival to Early Christianity Albert Réville
International Religious Freedom Report 2006 - France: Analyzing Religious Freedom in France: Policies, Attitudes, and Persecution Cases United States Department of State
Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 years Philip Jenkins
The Intersection of Faith, Migration and God’s Mission: A Call for the People of God in the West to Engage in Mission Dei Eric Tayem Tangumonkem
A Fight for Religious Freedom: A Lawyer's Personal Account of Copyrights, Karma and Dharmic Litigation Jon R. Parsons
The Gospel of Inclusion, Revised Edition: A Christian Case for LGBT+ Inclusion in the Church Brandan J. Robertson