Priests and preachers

  1. Episkope: The Theory and Practice of Translocal Oversight
  2. Beyond the Deception of Depression: What the Bible Taught Me Martha O'Reilly
  3. Reclaiming the Lost Soul of Youth Ministry Jeremy Steele
  4. Thirty Questions: A Short Catechism on the Christian Faith Timothy C. Tennent
  5. Plant: A Sower's Guide to Church Planting Winfield Bevins
  6. Between Preachers: You Can Grow Through Interim Ministry Jerrie Barber
  7. Authenticity, Passion, and Advocacy: Approaching Adolescent Spirituality from the Life and Wisdom of Thomas Merton Thomas E. Malewitz
  8. Wilhelm Loehe and North America: Historical Perspective and Living Legacy Craig L. Nessan
  9. Honoring God with Body and Mind: Sexual Ethics for Christians Steven D. Hoogerwerf
  10. Living a Sheltered Life: Christian Life Lessons through Homeless Youth Paul Cummings
  11. The Grandparenting Effect: Bridging Generations One Story at a Time Trevecca Okholm
  12. Creating Generous Congregations: A Step-by-Step Guide David L. Heetland
  13. Bedtime Prayers for Children: Sweet Bedtime Prayers for the Week, Monday through Sunday Tsahai Gomwalk Jacobsen
  14. Discovery Teaching Like Jesus: Engaging Adult Learners Kathy Hoppe
  15. Template for Leadership: The Biblical Perspective William Chauke
  16. The Gospel Truth: You Can’t Make This Stuff Up Patrick T. Rhoads
  17. On Keeping My Mouth Shut in Sunday School: Being a Very Long Alternative Sunday School Lesson to the One I Just Heard James Lutzweiler
  18. Fresh Expressions of Church Travis Collins
  19. You Made Me Erin Minta Maxfield-Steele
  20. Mentoring Minutes: Weekly Messages to Encourage Anyone Guiding Youth Robin Cox
  21. Inspirational Stories for the Young Reader Bettina DiGiulio
  22. The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston Tim Ferguson
  23. The Story of God and Us: Finding Our Place and Purpose in God's Plan for the World Jonathan Murphy
  24. Do Not: The Don’ts and Do’s of Ministry Cody Adams
  25. The Message of Humanity Ian W. Payne
  26. The Power and Purpose of Preaching in the Christian Faith Baffour Nkrumah-Appiah
  27. Ecclesianarchy: Adaptive Ministry for a Post-Church Society John Williams
  28. Restless: Audio Bible Studies: Because You Were Made for More Jennie Allen
  30. WELL DONE: 12 Biblical Business Principles for Leaders to Grow Their Business with Kingdom Impact Ken Gosnell
  31. What Gen Z Really Wants to Know About God: Seven Questions About Life and Faith Tanita Tualla Maddox
  32. Faith Without Fear: How to Share What You Believe with Confidence and Power Jeff Jerina
  33. Reaching Gen Z with the Gospel in the College Classroom: Awakening the Imago Dei in Gen Z Gregory J. Rummo
  34. Jesus Says: 'And this is Life Eternal! Frank H. Burmesch
  35. Becoming a Person of Welcome: The Spiritual Practice of Hospitality Laura Baghdassarian Murray
  36. After College: Navigating Transitions, Relationships and Faith Erica Young Reitz
  37. 10 Questions about Salvation: Thirty Devotions for Kids, Teens, and Families Champ Thornton
  38. You Have a Calling: Finding Your Vocation in the True, Good, and Beautiful Karen Swallow Prior
  39. The Christ of the Indian Road, Expanded Edition 100th Anniversary E. Stanley Jones
  40. Working for Better: A New Approach to Faith at Work Elaine Howard Ecklund
  41. Wide-Awake in God’s World: Bible Engagement for Teenage Spiritual Formation in a Culture of Expressive Individualism Graham D. Stanton
  42. Treasure in Earthen Vessels: The Portrayal of Priests in Fact and Fiction Ambrose Mong
  43. Bible Promises and Prayers for Children: Releasing Your Child’s Divine Destiny Bill Johnson
  44. The Prophetic Mantle: The Gift of Prophecy and Prophetic Operations in the Church Today Roderick L Evans
  45. Dying To Live Chido Gideon
  46. Relentless Love: Living Out Integral Mission to Combat Poverty, Injustice and Conflict Various authors
  47. Worth Doing: Fallenness, Finitude, and Work in the Real World Ryan Tafilowski
  48. Christian Egalitarian Leadership: Empowering the Whole Church according to the Scriptures Various authors
  49. Move Devotional: A Guide for Men to Get Up and Go Forward Brian Tome
  50. Growing Young Leaders: Faith, Freedom, Failure, and Flourishing Donald Smith