
  1. Genius Isaac Newton Deepa Deshmukh Achyut Godbole
  2. Jai Bharat Jai Jagat Bhag 2 - Anvastra, Anuvidnyan Avinash Dharmadhikari
  3. Jai Bharat Jai Jagat Bhag 1 - Anvastra Avinash Dharmadhikari
  4. Oru 'Makku' Payalin Kadhai N. Chokkan
  5. Astrophysics for People in a Hurry Neil deGrasse Tyson
  6. Pseudoscience and Science Fiction Andrew May
  7. Quantum Computing For Dummies whurley
  8. What If? 10th Anniversary Edition: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions Randall Munroe
  9. Genius Albert Einstein Achyut Godbole
  10. A Joosr Guide to… Human Universe by Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen Joosr
  11. E-Squared: by Pam Grout | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality IRB Media
  12. A Joosr Guide to... A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking: From the Big Bang to Black Holes Joosr
  13. How Premonitions Really Work: Learn About and Change Your Future Martin K Ettington
  14. Transform Your Thinking: Secrets to Navigating Life's Complex Webs: "Transform your perspective! Engage with captivating audio lessons that simplify life’s complexities for success." Sullivan Wexley
  15. Principia: "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" Isaac Newton
  16. Quantum Machine Learning for Beginners: Exploring Quantum Machine Learning from Scratch Chuck Sherman
  17. Quivers of Reality: A Journey Through M-Theory and Lie Algebras Oliver Vella
  18. The TR-3B Black Manta: What is it Really? Martin K Ettington
  19. Quantum Computing Impact: Unleashing the Power of Data for the Future Chuck Sherman
  20. A Dream for a Century: Big Bang and Relativity Jinsuk Kim
  21. SIMULATED LIVES: ARE WE ALREADY LIVING IN A MATRIX?: Micro Book - A25 (The Matrix Unveiled: Reality, Control, and the Future of Freedom) Ciro Irmici
  22. Physics: Uncovering the Laws That Govern the Universe (4 in 1) Jeron Iris
  23. Science: Foundations and Frontiers of Knowledge Across Disciplines (15 in 1) Jeron Iris
  24. Space Meteors 101 Eleanor Hawking
  25. The Proton Eleanor Hawking
  26. Aviation Technology Leo Musk
  27. Atomic Reaction Eleanor Hawking
  28. The Art of Physics: How Science Explains the Chaos, Contradictions, and Unpredictability of Life Zahaan Bharmal
  29. Digital Horizons: Where Technology Ends and Humanity Begins DemystifyTech
  30. The Odd Quantum Sam Treiman
  31. Mind Blowing Physics Eleanor Hawking
  32. Universe Wonders Eleanor Hawking
  33. Mysteries of Space Eleanor Hawking
  34. Timekeeping Evolution Eleanor Hawking
  35. Solar Panel Secrets Eleanor Hawking
  36. Quantum Power Eleanor Hawking
  37. Fusion Energy Breakthroughs Eleanor Hawking
  38. Quantum Physics Guide Eleanor Hawking
  39. Mathematical Universe Concepts Eleanor Hawking
  40. Quantum Physics Demystified Eleanor Hawking
  41. Solar Technology Aiden Feynman
  42. At Scale Eleanor Hawking
  43. Satellite Orbit Leo Musk
  44. Cosmic Oddities Eleanor Hawking
  45. Quantum Computing Basics Jamal Hopper
  46. Might Of Carbon Eleanor Hawking
  47. Atoms Unleashed: Fusion's Promise to Revolutionize Human Existence John Harpoon
  48. Atomic Hide-and-Seek: The Ongoing Quest for a Concealed Weapon of Mass Destruction John Harpoon
  49. Solar System for Kids: A Junior Scientist's Guide to Planets, Dwarf Planets, and Everything Circling Our Sun Hilary Statum
  50. Star Birth Wonders Eleanor Hawking