Palliative Care

  1. A Joosr Guide to... Being Mortal by Atul Gawande: Illness, Medicine and What Matters in the End Joosr
  2. Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness Selma Lagerlöf
  3. Fridays With My Folks: Stories on Ageing, Illness and Life Amal Awad
  4. Palliative Care: Managing Chronic and End-of-Life Conditions Ava Westwood
  5. Happily Ever Older: Revolutionary Approaches to Long-Term Care Moira Welsh
  6. Leaning into Sharp Points: Practical Guidance and Nurturing Support for Caregivers Stan Goldberg PhD
  7. The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully Frank Ostaseski
  8. Coronavirus Criminals and Pandemic Profiteers: Accountability for Those Who Caused the Crisis John Nichols
  9. Homecoming... let the heart speak! Tapo Vijay Kar
  10. The Junction... hope beautifully leads all Tapo Vijay Kar
  11. Granny Cool Singapore Hospice Council
  12. Lawrence of Arabia Singapore Hospice Council
  13. Dr. Guardian Angel Singapore Hospice Council
  14. Lawrence of Arabia Singapore Hospice Council
  15. Dr. Guardian Angel Singapore Hospice Council
  16. Granny Cool Singapore Hospice Council
  17. The Day I Die: The Untold Story of Assisted Dying in America Dr. Anita Hannig
  18. Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing 2nd Edition Robert Becker
  19. With the End in Mind: Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial Kathryn Mannix
  20. Talking About Death Won’t Kill You: The Essential Guide to End-of-Life Conversations Dr. Kathy Kortes-Miller
  21. Am I Going to Die? Sheila Hollins
  22. Matters of Life and Death John Wyatt
  23. Caregiving: The Spiritual Journey of Love, Loss, and Renewal Beth Witrogen McLeod
  24. The Archaeology of Loss: Life, love and the art of dying Sarah Tarlow
  25. Who Can Care For Me Now? Elizabeth Orr
  26. Peaceful Breeze Mark Carrington
  27. Assisted Dying: Who Makes the Final Decision?: The case for greater choice at the end of life
  28. Becoming Dead Right: A Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes Frances Shani Parker
  29. The Death Doula's Guide to Living Fully and Dying Prepared: An Essential Workbook to Help You Reflect Back, Plan Ahead, and Find Peace on Your Journey Francesca Lynn Arnoldy
  30. Ten to Zen: Ten Minutes a Day to a Calmer, Happier You Owen O'Kane
  31. Death Without Dignity?: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Europe John Wyatt
  32. Being Mortal by Atul Gawande - Book Summary: Medicine and What Matters in the End Dean Bokhari
  33. Last Rights: Rescuing the End of Life from the Medical System Stephen P. Kiernan
  34. The Lonely Patient: How We Experience Illness Michael Stein
  35. Labours of Love: The Crisis of Care Madeleine Bunting