For reluctant readers

  1. The Tales of Beedle the Bard: A Harry Potter Hogwarts Library Book J.K. Rowling
  2. The 156-Storey Treehouse: Festive Frolics and Sneaky Snowmen! Andy Griffiths
  3. Welcome to Camp Killer Cynthia Murphy
  4. The 130-Storey Treehouse Andy Griffiths
  5. Seeing Red Eve Ainsworth
  6. Top Detective Toby #3: The Soccer Card Thomas Schrøder
  7. Jeff the Seagull #3: Jeff Falls in Love Lau Frank
  8. Melvin the Superhero #1: The Blue Robber Lise Bidstrup
  9. Freddy and the Monsters #5: The New Guard Jesper W. Lindberg
  10. Lily #3: Lily and the Hole Lise Bidstrup
  11. The Boy Scout #3: A Good Scout Søren S. Jakobsen
  12. Brian’s Wacky Inventions #4: The Dog Whistle Thomas Schrøder
  13. Brian’s Wacky Inventions #1: The Copy Cola Thomas Schrøder
  14. The Football Team #1: Football for Everybody Lise Bidstrup
  15. The Little Scout Troop #1: The Sailing Badge Sten Platz
  16. Wally & Chrissy #1: When Penny Got a Cat Pernille Eybye
  17. Leo & Lucky #1: The Big Bone Thomas Friis Pedersen
  18. Mike & Otis #2: The Giant Ape Christian Kuntz
  19. Wally & Chrissy #1: When Penny Got a Cat Pernille Eybye
  20. Wally & Chrissy #4: Penny Gets a Present Pernille Eybye
  21. The Football Team #3: A Tough Mom Lise Bidstrup
  22. Little Monsters #5: Tom's Arm Falls Off Pernille Eybye
  23. The Boy Scout #2: The Camp Søren S. Jakobsen
  24. Little Monsters #9: Bibi’s Bone Pernille Eybye
  25. Sophie #4: Sophie Can Roll Lise Bidstrup
  26. Lily #4: Lily goes Diving Lise Bidstrup
  27. Brian’s Wacky Inventions #5: The Shrink Ray Thomas Schrøder
  28. Brian’s Wacky Inventions #6: The Video Game Thomas Schrøder
  29. Wally & Chrissy #3: Time to Get Up Pernille Eybye
  30. Olly the Fly #4: Olly the Fly Meets a Mosquito Søren S. Jakobsen
  31. Dorrie Loves Everything #1: Dorrie Loves Movies LG Jensen
  32. Collin’s Magical Stick #4: The Car Key Thomas Schrøder
  33. Wally & Chrissy #5: Wally Goes Missing Pernille Eybye
  34. Tubsy - the Little Fairy #5: Tubsy and Sam Sparrow Thomas Schrøder
  35. Sophie #5: Sophie Can Swim Lise Bidstrup
  36. Andrew the Ogre #3: The Garbage Monster Thomas Friis Pedersen
  37. The Little Scout Troop #2: The Bird Badge Sten Platz
  38. Dorrie Loves Everything #4: Dorrie Loves Games LG Jensen
  39. The Handball Player #2: Alex Is Hurt Lise Bidstrup
  40. Olly the Fly #8: Olly the Fly Goes to School Søren S. Jakobsen
  41. Wally & Chrissy #4: Penny Gets a Present Pernille Eybye
  42. Tubsy - the Little Fairy #8: Tubsy and Hubert Hare Thomas Schrøder
  43. Dorrie Loves Everything #5: Dorrie Loves Water LG Jensen
  44. Wally & Chrissy #3: Time to Get Up Pernille Eybye
  45. Top Detective Toby #6: The Christmas Present Thomas Schrøder
  46. Leo & Lucky #2: D-Rex is on the Loose Thomas Friis Pedersen
  47. Marina the Mermaid #3: The Pirates Peter Gotthardt
  48. Phoebe’s World #1: Tweeting at the Pool Frederik Tellerup
  49. Olly the Fly #3: Olly the Fly Has No Friends Søren S. Jakobsen
  50. Flix & Flax #3: Flix & Flax and Mick Thomas Friis Pedersen