Three Days at Camp David: How a Secret Meeting in 1971 Transformed the Global Economy Jeffrey E. Garten4.3
The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover: How the FBI Aided and Abetted the Rise of White Christian Nationalism Lerone A. Martin1
Countdown to Dallas: The Incredible Coincidences, Routines, and Blind "Luck" that Brought John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald Together on November 22, 1963 Paul Brandus3
"If We Are Striking for Pennsylvania": The Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac March to Gettysburg: Volume 2: June 22-30, 1863 Eric J. Wittenberg
In the Shadow of the Round Tops: Longstreet's Countermarch, Johnston's Reconnaissance, and the Enduring Battles for the Memory of July 2, 1863 Allen R. Thompson
Civil War 101: Understand America’s Greatest Conflict Through the Eyes of Those Who Lived It Peter Carmichael3
What Is America? Understanding the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution Jeffrey Sikkenga4.7