The World English Bible - The book series

Total Duration
6H 11min

The World English Bible books in order

  1. The Second Book of Corinthians - The World English Bible, Book 47 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  2. Galatians - The World English Bible, Book 48 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  3. Ephesians - The World English Bible, Book 49 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  4. Philippians - The World English Bible, Book 50 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  5. Colossians - The World English Bible, Book 51 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  6. The First Book of Thessalonians - The World English Bible, Book 52 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  7. The Second Book of Thessalonians - The World English Bible, Book 53 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  8. The First Book of Timothy - The World English Bible, Book 54 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  9. The Second Book of Timothy - The World English Bible, Book 55 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  10. Titus - The World English Bible, Book 56 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  11. Philemon - The World English Bible, Book 57 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  12. Hebrews - The World English Bible, Book 58 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  13. James - The World English Bible, Book 59 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  14. The First Book of Peter - The World English Bible, Book 60 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  15. The Second Book of Peter - The World English Bible, Book 61 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  16. The First Book of John - The World English Bible, Book 62 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  17. The Second Book of John - The World English Bible, Book 63 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  18. The Third Book of John - The World English Bible, Book 64 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  19. Jude - The World English Bible, Book 65 (Unabridged) Various Authors
  20. Revelation - The World English Bible, Book 66 (Unabridged) Various Authors

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