Positronic Super Pack Series - The book series

Fantasy & SciFi

Positronic Super Pack Series books in order

  1. The Fantasy Super Pack #2 Philip K. Dick
  2. Fantastic Stories Presents the Weird Tales Super Pack #2 H. P. Lovecraft
  3. Fantastic Stories Presents the Fantastic Universe Super Pack #3 Alex James
  4. Fantastic Stories Presents the Planet Stories Super Pack Poul Anderson
  5. Fantastic Stories Presents the Worlds of If Super Pack #1 R. A. Lafferty
  6. Fantastic Stories Presents the Worlds of If Super Pack #2 Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
  7. Worlds of If Super Pack #3 Jim Harmon
  8. Fantastic Stories Presents The Dragon Super Pack Kenneth Grahame
  9. Fritz Leiber Super Pack #1 Fritz Leiber
  10. The Wizard of Oz Super Pack L. Frank Baum
  11. The Vampire Super Pack: Over 225,000 words of startling Vampire fiction by writers such as Bram Stoker, F. Marion Crawford, Steve Rasnic Tem, Robert E. Howard, Jay O'Connell, John William Polidori, and many, many more! Arthur Conan Doyle
  12. The Doctor Dolittle Super Pack: The Story of Doctor Dolittle, The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle, Doctor Dolittle's Post Office, and Doctor Dolittle's Circus Hugh Lofting
  13. Charles Boardman Hawes Super Pack Charles Boardman Hawes
  14. The Edgar Wallace Super Pack Edgar Wallace
  15. Inspector Gabriel Hanaud Super Pack A. E. W. Mason
  16. Tarzan Super Pack: Tarzan of the Apes, The Return Of Tarzan, The Beasts of Tarzan, The Son of Tarzan, Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar, Jungle Tales of Tarzan, Tarzan the Untamed, Tarzan the Terrible, Tarzan and the Golden Lion, Tarzan and the Ant-Men Edgar Rice Burroughs
  17. R. A. Lafferty Super Pack R. A. Lafferty
  18. Science Fiction Super Pack #3: Positronic Super Pack Series #53 Andre Norton
  19. The Edgar Rice Burroughs Super Pack #1 Edgar Rice Burroughs
  20. The Skylark of Space Super Pack E. E. Doc Smith

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