The Color of My Fingernails: Episode One: The Dancer of My Dream WorldChristian Weisse, Sandra Woetzel
5 Minute Modern Day Bible Stories For Teens: Classic Bible Stories in a Modern Way, Explore Your Faith, Discover Timeless Values & Tackle New Challenges With God's WisdomKingdom Press
《 A Piece of Cat 》Chapter 3: The Trial of the Waffle Maze: Cup Cat enters a never-ending waffle maze, savoring each bite—cinnamon, honey, strawberries. Lost in sweetness, it indulges… until its paws start glowing, wrapped in sugar.Madame Madeleine
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Surviving the First Year After Divorce with a Narcissist: Your Roadmap to Emotional Recovery, Co-Parenting Strategies, and Self-LoveClinton Greene
How to Get the Guy: Dating Secrets For Women to Stop Chasing Men, Keep Him Interested, Prevent Breakups and Conquer the Dating World While Building Your Self-ConfidenceBrooke Clarke
Project Azorian: The History of the CIA Operation to Recover a Sunken Soviet SubmarineCharles River Editors