JavaScript Fundamentals: JavaScript Syntax, What JavaScript is Use for in Website Development, JavaScript Variable, Strings, Popup Boxes, JavaScript Objects, Function, and Event HandlersSteven Bright4
Microsoft Excel: Microsoft Excel User Interface, Excel Basics, Function, Database, Financial Analysis, Matrix, Statistical AnalysisSteven Bright
Facebook Groups for Authors: How to Use Facebook Author and Book Promotion Groups to Generate Sales and Create Visibility for Your BooksSteven Bright
Microsoft Word: Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Equations, Underline Styles, Insert Menu, Table, Page Layout, Formatting a Document, Edit Manuscript, and Preparation of an eBook for PublishingSteven Bright5
Microsoft PowerPoint: Creating a Presentation, Tips for Creating and Delivering an Effective Presentation, and Marketing Your Brand through PowerPoint PresentationSteven Bright
How to Open Payoneer US Bank Account: Use it to Receive Royalties or Payment from Fiverr, Upwork, Draft2Digital, and Other Online Work PlacesSteven Bright
Professions and Associated Computer Software: Get to Know the Software Programs your Profession requires you to have its Know-howSteven Bright