Scientific Healing Affirmations: Harnessing the Power of Affirmations for Holistic Healing and Spiritual GrowthParamahansa Yogananda
The Bhagavad Gita: According to Paramhansa Yogananda edited by his disciple, Swami KriyanandaParamhansa Yogananda
Demystifying Patanjali: The Yoga Sutras: The Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda as Presented by his Direct Disciple, Swami KriyanandaParamhansa Yogananda5
The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita: Explained by Paramhansa Yogananda as remembered by his disciple, Swami KriyanandaParamhansa Yogananda4.6
Revelations of Christ: Proclaimed by Paramhansa Yogananda by His Disciple, Swami KriyanandaParamhansa Yogananda5
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Explained: by Paramhansa Yogananda, edited by Swami KriyanandaParamhansa Yogananda
Key to Self-Realization: Paramahansa Yogananda Collection: Autobiography of a Yogi, Science of Religion, Scientific Healing AffirmationsParamahansa Yogananda
The Classic Collection of Paramahansa Yogananda. Illustrated: Autobiography of a Yogi, Songs of the Soul, The Science of ReligionParamahansa Yogananda
Moments of Truth, Volume One: Excerpts from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam ExplainedParamhansa Yogananda
Key to Self-Realization: Paramahansa Yogananda Collection: Autobiography of a Yogi, Science of Religion, Scientific Healing AffirmationsParamahansa Yogananda
Key to Self-Realization: Paramahansa Yogananda Collection: Autobiography of a Yogi, Science of Religion, Scientific Healing AffirmationsParamahansa Yogananda
The Science of Religion: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Spiritual Path: A Deep Dive into Universal Principles and Meditation PracticesParamahansa Yogananda
The Law of Success: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health Prosperity & HappinessParamahansa Yogananda