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Kari Kilgore
Books by Kari Kilgore
Independent by Means of Magic: The Odd Society: Book One
Kari Kilgore
Fantastic Shorts: Volume 3
Kari Kilgore
Escape into Romance: A Collection of Sweet Beginnings
Kari Kilgore
The Lightning Festival
Kari Kilgore
The Box of Possibilities: A Sweet Fantasy Romance
Kari Kilgore
The Tech Empath
Kari Kilgore
Kati and the Witches in the Hill
Kari Kilgore
A Linchpin Life
Kari Kilgore
When the Fog Clears
Kari Kilgore
A Blizzard in Pink
Kari Kilgore
In the Company of Women
Kari Kilgore
The Fabulous Feats of Billy
Kari Kilgore
Protected by Means of Magic: The Odd Society: Book Two
Kari Kilgore
Glory Lane and the Humid Holiday
Kari Kilgore
Melting Point
Kari Kilgore
Stepping Out of Reality: Short Spells of Appalachian Magic
Kari Kilgore
Three Computer Geeks Gruff
Kari Kilgore
The Definition of Crime
Kari Kilgore
A Race Against Tea Time
Kari Kilgore
Y2K: A Turn of the Millennium Mystery
Kari Kilgore
An Overdue Truce
Kari Kilgore
The Perfect Shade of Haint Blue
Kari Kilgore
The Road to Paradise Mountain
Kari Kilgore
Amy in Wonderland
Kari Kilgore
Facing Down Extraordinary: A Series of Ordinary Heroes
Kari Kilgore
The Lightning-Struck Wood
Kari Kilgore
Hacking Cybercrime: Dana Sanderson Short Mysteries
Kari Kilgore
A Taste Just Like a Hug
Kari Kilgore
A Soggy Brush with History
Kari Kilgore
Decisions in a Dangerous Situation: A Soul Travelers Story
Kari Kilgore
The Best Kind of Teacher: A Storms of Future Past Story
Kari Kilgore
Andre’s Extra-Sensational Adventure
Kari Kilgore
Sunny with a Chance of Happiness: A Lightning Gap Story
Kari Kilgore
Shadows Mountain Deep: Six Appalachian Crime Tales
Kari Kilgore
Adventures in Winter Driving: A Storms of Future Past Story
Kari Kilgore
At the Heart of It All
Kari Kilgore
Investigations Beyond Belief: The Initial Adventures of Deb Powers: Otherworldly PI
Kari Kilgore
Beware a Dancing Mother-in-Law
Kari Kilgore
What Breaks a Man
Kari Kilgore
Jenna and the Lightning Beast: A Minor Superhero Adventure
Kari Kilgore
Traditions Worth Keeping
Kari Kilgore
Making a Change for the Stranger: Deb Powers, Otherworldly PI: Case #1
Kari Kilgore
A Cave of Whispering Secrets: Deb Powers, Otherworldly PI: Case #2
Kari Kilgore
Passages in the Real World: Six Stories of Life’s Transitions
Kari Kilgore
The Strange Critter at the Old Johnston Place: Deb Powers, Otherworldly PI: Case #3
Kari Kilgore
An Eddy of the Unexplained: Deb Powers, Otherworldly PI: Case #4
Kari Kilgore
Finding the Tracks to the Past: Deb Powers, Otherworldly PI: Case #5
Kari Kilgore
Fantastic Side Trips: Side Characters Take Center Stage
Kari Kilgore
In Service to a Superior Species
Kari Kilgore
Survivors of the Malance
Kari Kilgore
Viewing 50 out of 111 items
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Uncollected Anthology: Magical Arts
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Deb Powers: Otherworldly PI
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Deb Powers
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Misfortune and Magic
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Kari Kilgore
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